Two is Company (2/2)

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Sorry for hiatus, had a lot going on since my grandpa died and taking care of my grandma. I'll get to finishing this off as fast as I can. 🫶🏻

It's the weirdest feeling coming back to the world.
It's like your whole body was put on pause while your mind was left free to float around, and come up with so many ideas or dreams in the height of things.

You come to occasionally, after everything is said and done, and you can only vaguely remember seeing Jake standing over you.
Because, of course, the surgery never bothered him. He'd seen all there was to see, and left unbothered for the most part with the gory details.

Unlike you, seeing certain things never got any easier. No matter how many you'd killed, or animals used for a feast, there was always that lingering feeling in the back of your mind.

Jake's only worry was you for the most part - freaking out that you wouldn't be able to handle the procedure with how quickly things needed to be done.

Norm is in human form, with his scrub shirt hanging off his elbows as he stands just behind your head. You can feel the faint movement as he fluffs up your pillows a bit more, and adjusts the bed so you can sit up without having to use your muscles.

Grace is checking over your vitals, and is first to notice when you fully come to.
The way her eyebrows raise and she smiles so sweetly with her greeting is all you could have asked for when you start to look around.

Jake is at the end of the bed, and has one baby in his arms, and — oh. Trudy is pacing back and forth with the other — until Grace takes it from her to weigh the little one.

Maybe you would've rather waited til you could get to hold them first, but with the new chances and lives — you'd wanted nothing more than to let Trudy and Grace hold your babies. They were safe and loved with them, and you were starved of this connection before with your family.

Eywa knows they never got to see their own.

"Hey beautiful." Graces larger hand perfectly holds the baby that cradles in her palm.
"—How are you feeling?" Her other hand cups your face as you slowly reach up to touch it in return.

"Pain." Is all you can groan out, and she signals to Norm to give you some more medication through the IV.

"You did great." She compliments, and leans in to show you the first twin — waiting until you feel comfortable enough to take them.
"Babies are healthy — you'll recover just fine. One boy and one girl. I've written all the details down for you, and Jake recorded the whole thing for when you can stomach it."

.....Of course he did.
He would record everything he could.

You have a rather weak and silly grin on your face, far too high off the pain medications to properly respond to everything — and Jake laughs teasingly at how you act.

Grace checks you over to make sure you're at least stable enough, and it's not long before you're holding both children in your arms.

It's a good thing Grace had pushed for you to save up a breastmilk supply before their birth, because you're far too exhausted at the moment to even try for it. You'd spent your years breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, it was a lot mentally to have to think about going through it all over again.

Jake places a hand on one infants head, presumably the boy by the blue fabric — and pushes the blanket out of the way to show you something.
"You remember that birth mark you showed me? In your journal?"

And you sure nod, albeit barely. "I do."

He smiles so widely, that it's probably the only thing not related to the children that you remember.

Jake helps bring the boy closer to you as the blanket falls from around his head and he stretches his little hands out to adjust.

He has a bit of hair, but not so much that it fully covers his scalp. Nothing like his sister in your other arm, who's got so much thick and dark hair that it could easily be shaved off to make a sweater for her.

Explains all of the heartburn.

Her eyes are closed, and she's happily snoozing away without a care in the world. She has an adorable blush to her cheeks, and she sure seems content to be with you.

Your attention is elsewhere for a moment as everyone steps out to give you and Jake alone time with the children.

Jake gently places a few fingers on your sons head, and turns it to properly show you.
"Baby." Jake calls out to you, and your eyes fall back on the little one. "—Look. He has it."


"He really did that?"

"Oh, Yes. He and Spider used to climb into the trees just to get away from our youngest." You reminisce with a tight smile as you hold your boy closer. "They loved having her, but they caused so much trouble and knew how unhappy I would be if I found out they took her along."

"Guess I'll just have to keep a closer eye on them this time."

Twenty hours since you were treated like a ziploc bag, and those babies haven't left your arms once.

Well, okay — except for when Grace or Norm made you move around or go to the bathroom, but despite that and how tired your arms got from time to time - your face was typically nuzzled into their bellies as they laid so still while sleeping.

"They're so peaceful right now. Nothing like the other kids." Jake remarks.

"They won't be much of an issue until they start walking." You chuckle, and look over to Jake as hes sitting on the edge of your bed.

He takes your daughter when you finally offer again, and she snuggles in so perfectly to his arms and bare chest.

"Oh, for sure. Lias enough trouble once she takes off, and she's not even ours." Jake sarcastically agrees. "Don't tell Trudy but I've absolutely lost her a time or two in the labs. She didn't even learn to walk, she just ran."

He has a look on his face. One you've not noticed before, and he places one hand on the bed to turn to you and the little boy.

"I have something to ask." He admits.

"Everything okay?" You worry, reaching out for his hand.

"Yes, I just.. with the names. I liked the one you picked before for our boy, but what about the girl?"

"Oh. I see.. Do you have a name in mind? I have a few I've fallen in love with, but — I want to hear it."

"I.. well. Norm and I spoke a while back, and it made me realize something I hadn't known before. It really pulled at me, and it gave me an idea.
Of course, it would have been easier had our twins both been boys, but-"

"But what, Jake?"

He has tears in his eyes as he scoots closer to the bed, and kisses both infants foreheads for a moment.
"I think I know just the name for her."

What if? (P2) || Jake/Reader || DraftΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα