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"Aww, look. Trudy's holding baby-Lia." Tommika shows her laptop screen to the others as they finish up their food.
"God, she's so much bigger than we were."

Spider kneels over the back of her chair, and leans in to see the screen.
"Yeah - she's got that big ass head, too."
Not even a moment passes before she smacks him on the back of his.

"You deserved it. You're one to talk about having a big head." She mocks and comes over to the other side.

Da'mik is last to join the bunch - leaning over Tommika as he's curious to see.

Toddler-Spider is at the right height to smack his forehead into one of the tables, and down he goes as he yells out 'Fuck' with his little voice.
He seems perfectly fine though, cause up he goes before racing off to Evelyn and her crew.

Judging by the attire and location, it happened the same night of your joint ceremony.

The camera pans over to Norm, who stares it down with all his might.
Truly terrifying.
He steps closer to the camera, and whoever's behind it seems to back up at the same pace.
"—Jacob Bartholomew Anderson Michael Sully. I swear to god."

"What?" The camera moves down to the floor, and Jake's exoskeleton comes into view. "I didn't say anything! That's not even my name!"

"I don't care." Norm points a finger in his direction, and the camera comes back up. "—I'm going to kill you for not watching your mouth, and stamp it on your headstone regardless."

The video feed cuts off, and only picks up later as it's set on a tripod — over looking the rest of the crowd.

Trudy is coming out from the back, and seems to be stopped by Tsu'tey on the way.
The two are talking as they walk, but it can't be made out from this far away.

"What ya kids doing huh? We gotta head out soon." Trudy's voice causes them all to jump, completely unaware she had come in.

"Looking at old videos." Tommika answers without missing a beat. "Laughing at the boys as kids."

"Oh, yeah? Move over. I'll show you my favorite. Da'mik used to eat everything in sight." She comes over and takes the laptop from Tommika when offered.

Da'mik doesn't even try to defend it, even as he comes up on screen. Barely two years old, it seems.

You walk in as Jake rests on the couch, and the little makeshift playplen he set up is working beautifully.

"Jake, what is he eating?" You ask, bringing out the flaw he's had in his plan.

He slowly lifts himself up from the couch. Before he can even lean over to check, you've already made out what it is.

"Is that a crayon?" You ask, stepping over the boundary and taking it from your child. "—Where the hell did you find those? I didn't think we had any here."

"There were some in the offices by the medical ward. I figured the kids might like them." He reaches his arms out to take Da'mik as you collect the chewed on mess.

"He really shouldn't have these, Jake. Hes not old enough."

"Ah, I'm watching him. Hes been chewing on the wrapper and spitting it out."
He takes one from you and plops it in his own mouth for the joke. "It's fine dining, anyway. He's just trying to be like his dad."

"What? What the hell do you mean by fine-dining? It's crayons."

He grins as wide as ever as his sits his son his lap. "It's a Marine joke, love."

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