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"You did not write these questions."

Tree, Taylor's publicist, looked up from the desk in Taylor's office with a raised eyebrow, "What makes you say that?"

Grace was sitting across from her, Tree had a notepad in her hand and a pen in the other. She was filling in replies after Taylor had flown her out to New York to interview Grace for the job she had offered.

Grace took it very seriously. She put on a nice outfit and practiced questions with Taylor on the drive into the city the next weekend. She didn't tell Michael she was thinking about moving, he seemed too happy to have her around to tell him if it wasn't serious.

Unfortunately it seemed serious, she was overqualified for the jobs near his house that she applied to. No one even called her, it was discouraging.

"They're the same questions Taylor practiced with me," Grace explained calmly, "The exact same, down to the word choices."

Tree stiffened her back. Grace had answered well but Tree should have pushed further, "How's your memory?"

That wasn't a question from the list, but after Grace had mentioned the amount of minutes it would be before Taylor got out of the shower a few weeks prior, Tree wanted to know.

"I tend to recall nearly everything," Grace said in response, "Times, dates, words, places, transactions. I have a problem with faces, that's about it."

"It says you speak Mandarin, too," Tree glanced at the resume as she picked it up with her left hand. It was an impressive skill to add to the list, she had to give her that much. Not that it would be particularly useful for the role she was 'interviewing' for.

"I studied it when I was younger. I'm also proficient in Microsoft Excel... now. I also know every lyric to every Taylor Swift song, in case that is an asset- Including the presently unreleased ones."

"Do you also count the steps in your head when you walk?" Tree cracked a smile, it was playful. Grace was bragging and she knew it.

"Don't you?" That wasn't a joke.

"No, no I don't."

"What are you thinking about while you walk then?" Grace asked curiously.

"Just other things," Tree replied, "Work, my daughter, what I want to eat for dinner. That kind of thing."

"Did I get the job?" Grace got tired of waiting to know. She had the inkling it was rigged now that she knew Taylor had pointed the questions in her favour, but the eagerness of the results was quickly turning to impatience.

"I think you knew you got the job before you walked in here," the publicist decided to be honest.

"I figured," Grace sighed softly. She wanted a challenge but a job was better than that, "When do I start?"

"How's Monday?"

"That is acceptable terms, thank you," Grace stood up and shook Tree's hand. They left Taylor's office in her apartment and walked into the living space connected to it.

"I guess you've got a roommate," Tree said to Taylor when the blonde looked up at them and expectantly, "She caught on, so..."

"The same questions, Taylor?" Grace was too excited about the new prospects to be mad about it.

"Ugh, I knew it was risky," Taylor groaned only for a moment. She then let out a light, breathy laugh, "But I'm glad it went good! I'm so excited!"

"Me too," Grace took a seat next to her lover and looked at the publicist, "Thank you for humouring me."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now