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"I'm looking forward to a few days of doing absolutely nothing," Taylor said a few minutes after waking up. She had yet to open her eyes to the world, too much enjoyment was coming from the half awake feeling she was getting in the hotel room bed. They'd flown to Turks and Caicos for a vacation, which Grace thought was a little funny because they'd done nothing but fly around and see new things for the last couple months while Taylor was on tour.

Taylor shifted closer to Grace's side of the bed with the hope of getting some morning cuddles but when she felt nothing but cold sheets, she groaned. Where the hell was Grace in a foreign country? She couldn't get one morning of groggy snuggles before the brunette was up and going?

Taylor huffed, she opened her eyes and looked around. The resort room was empty, Grace's suitcase was neatly placed in the corner by the random and quite frankly, useless chair.

She swiped her phone off the end table where it was plugged in to charge and ripped the cord out, letting it fall to the floor. She saw a text notification with Grace's contact name and clicked on it.

If you are reading this and I am not in our room it is because I went to go find some breakfast for us. I left at 07:34... if I have not returned by 08:30 please contact the authorities as I have been kidnapped and am being held for ransom again.

Taylor looked at the time, it had only been twenty minutes so she didn't worry. She continued to enjoy the warmth under the blankets for another five minutes, she would have gone back to sleep if she didn't know Grace was going to wake her up when she got back. The rule was anytime after eight was acceptable, the early bird and night owl combination had to have a set of defined rules.

Especially when the early bird wanted to spend all of her time with the night owl and Taylor just wanted to sleep peacefully for as long as possible.

"It's one minute past eight! Wake up!" Grace carried a tray with coffee on it and a brown paper bag with a damp looking greasy spot bleeding through the material. She was surprised to see Taylor's eyes already open as they glanced at her by the door, "Oh, hello!"

"Take your morning energy down about ten notches, my love," she sat up and accepted the cup of coffee.

Grace crinkled her nose at the thought and cracked the lid on her own cup. She was about to bring it to her mouth when she said, "I got you a cinnamon roll from the breakfast buffet and some fruit. I didn't know if you'd want to head over there later because you're not super hungry in the early morning."

"That's good for now," Taylor smiled softly, "Thank you, gorgeous. You spoil me with coffee in bed."

"I owe you a lot," Grace sat down on the edge of the bed with her coffee, ignoring the food containers in the bag for the time being, "You gave me a job and shelter, you even took care of me when I was brain damaged and had no arms and plenty of mood swings."

"I'm also in love with you," Taylor hummed with raised eyebrows, "And Grace, I know you would do the same for me in a heartbeat if it was the other way around."

"I think you provide me with too much credit," Grace looked down at the ground, "I'm not sure I would have."

"You literally took me in when I was like a wild animal lashing out at the world, put me in your hands and healed my deepest wounds. You didn't even know who I was then... I was just me and you let me into your life and threw it all away for us. I— I don't think I'm giving you too much credit, I think you're giving yourself too little."

"I suppose you see me through a different lens than I see myself," Grace shrugged weakly, "I'm glad you decided not to leave my hotel room that night."

"It was the best sex of my life and I literally could not walk," Taylor snorted involuntarily which made Grace laugh with a warm blush, "But seriously, I don't do anything I don't want to do so you don't have to try to make it up to me. Give me love and do your best, that's it. I'm really not worried about the rest. You helped me put this entire tour together, that's a lot you've done right there."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now