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The next morning, Taylor had to drag herself out of bed and into the shower. There were hickeys on her inner thighs and parts of her body were sore in places she didn't know could feel like that, it was delightful and terrible all at once.

Grace was still asleep, the blanket pulled over her frame did little to disguise how strangely she was laying after Taylor had to essentially surgically remove herself from Grace's sleepy grasp. Taylor was only in the shower for a minute when she could see Grace walk into the hotel suite's bathroom with the blanket barely wrapped around her through the glass door, "Taylor?"

"Morning," she slid the door open, "I'll be quick."

"Can I come in?" Grace yawned. Taylor noticed the bruises on her thighs where her hands had been the night before. Not too dark, just reminders of a fun night where they let go a little more than usual, "No funny business, I'm just cold without you."

"Yeah, c'mon," Taylor slid the door open fully and Grace stepped in. She brunette got her footing and then leaned against Taylor under the shower head softly, "Feeling delicate today?"

"Yes," Grace was sleepy and overall feeling gentler in her movements. Some mornings she woke up and wanted to stay in bed all day with her eyes shut and the curtains drawn.

"That's okay," Taylor kissed her head as the shampoo ran out of her own hair. Her arms went around Grace's waist to keep her close, "I've got a little while before I have to leave for my meeting. We can get ready and get some breakfast."

"Sure," Grace kept her cheek pressed to Taylor's shoulder, her eyes were glazed over as she tried to keep up with Taylor's words.

"You can cancel with Nell if you need to decompress," Taylor reminded her lover softly over the noise of the shower head. The water splashed against the tile around their feet and onto the foggy door.

"I'll be fine," Grace said with the same low voice, "Would you mind holding me for another minute?"

"As long as the water doesn't run cold," Taylor smiled against Grace's head softly, "You're my favourite, don't forget it."

"Love you," Grace closed her eyes as the water ran over them.

"I love you, too," Taylor said and then she stood there with her arms around Grace in such an intimate way until Grace rubbed her eyes and asked for the shampoo.

They walked to a cafe down the block and sat at a small table in the corner. A few teenage girls who should've been in school whispered about them by the cash register as Grace examined her bagel and picked off the over toasted edges. Taylor laughed at her softly and told her it wouldn't kill her to eat the darker brown bits.

Grace disagreed with that and checked the time on her phone, "What time did you say your meeting was?"

"Nine-thirty," Taylor bit into her own bagel and opened the plastic lid on her coffee cup. When she swallowed the food she said, "How far is your sister's house? Fifteen minutes from here?"

"Seventeen according to Google Maps walking directions," the former heiress replied, "I am nervous about it. We haven't seen each other since, well, the day we met."

"Yeah but you're texting constantly, it's always Nellie this, Nell that. She is your sister."

"Texting is so much easier than truly interacting. I can think about what I send before I reply, I don't have time to buffer in-between real life conversations," Grace explained with too many hand movements.

Taylor reached across the table and grabbed her hand to calm her, "Grace, you and I spoke over the phone and in-person only for the majority of our relationship before we moved in together. Do you know how many times I hung up and had the biggest smile on my face? Like every time so you'll be fine! You know how to talk to people."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now