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Despite making up, Grace still insisted that she needed a couple weeks to go upstate and spend time with Amber and Gracie. Taylor tried to convince her otherwise, promising that she would be the best girlfriend ever if Grace didn't go, but the brunette was not willing to negotiate.

"You'll go to meetings?" Taylor asked nervously as Grace began to pack a suitcase the next morning. Taylor was barely awake but Grace was an early bird and she could sleep again before she had to go to the stadium for the third show.

"Of course," Grace nodded, "Tay, I'm going to come back. I'm taking some time for me and for Amber and Gracie. I'll still be working from Glenville, too. I have my computer and you can FaceTime me or text me or invent a device to teleport to me anytime you should desire."

"We haven't been apart for over a year, what am I supposed to do without you?"

"I mean... As we learned five hours ago, the vibrator is charged," Grace chuckled. Taylor only gave her a dry laugh so she reached across the suitcase and tucked her hand under Taylor's chin to get her to look up again, "We will be okay and if it's too hard... I suppose you could call and I would come to you."

"You deserve to have a couple weeks to yourself. As your boss, I guess everyone is entitled to two week's vacation time," Taylor still pouted despite giving in.

"I love you and you might legally be my boss but we both know I wear the pants here," Grace squeezed Taylor's cheeks before she let go of the blonde's face, "So, I'm going to ensure that Erica puts dinner in your dressing room tonight after the show and I just did the dishes before I brought you coffee so that's done. Is there anything else you need before I depart?"

"A kiss, a hug and a clone of you to stay with me."

"My poor girl," Grace laughed again. Taylor complaining about how she was going to miss her was very sweet but it also stung a little. She was nervous about the time apart but it was very needed. When you spend all your time with someone... they start to irk you.

Taylor was starting to get annoying in all the ways Grace had once found endearing so it was time for some distance to make the heart grow fonder again.

Once Grace managed to escape Taylor's embrace and get out the door after having breakfast together at Taylor's insistence, she got in the back and the driver started to take her to Amber's. She was still scared to drive after the accident. No one told Gracie that she was coming and so when the former heiress unloaded her bag, all she did was wait.

It took approximately twenty seconds for the front door to fly open, "Auntie Grace!"

"Hi, you!" Grace bent down and caught Gracie's leap towards her. She picked her up and squeezed her tight, "How are you?!"

"Good," Gracie smiled toothily, "Where is Aunt Taylor?"

"She's working this week, can I keep you company instead?"

"Yes!" Grace exclaimed as she wiggled to indicate wanting to be put down, "My mommy says that daddy went to work for a long time. Did Aunt Taylor go too?"

"Yes, she's at work, too," Grace's smile turned bittersweet. Of course Gracie was too young to understand, hopefully she would never need to. It hurt Grace's heart to see Gracie shrug and tell her to come inside. She was already trying to con Grace into giving her ice cream and the ridiculous thing was that it was definitely going to work.

It was only a few days later that Grace missed Taylor so badly. She woke up in the guest room to a cold bed which never happened, Taylor was always the last to wake up. She didn't have anyone to bring coffee to, she made breakfast for one while she waited for Amber and Gracie to wake up. Apparently egg whites with spinach were not of their taste.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now