CH 5.1 Who Saved the World?

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Early morning light filled the room as Razz scribbled away at the desk. An unruly mess of ink-stained notes, crumpled papers, and empty mugs spread around him. Alex buried her face in a pillow, loudly groaning while Gabe swung his legs off the mattress and sat up straight. Rile, perched on the edge of Zilik's bed, paused mid-stretch to lightly pat Alex's shoulder.

Gabe glared at Rile and pointed a finger his way. "Don't even consider rolling over Zilik to get comfortable with Alex."

Rile flicked his tongue out in response and Alex groaned, running a hand through her tousled hair.

She glanced towards Zilik, who had been on the other side of him until the argument started. "Zilik, are you awake?" she asked.

"I am now," Zilik replied with a hint of dry humor in his voice.

Cale snuggled in, his head resting against the back of Alex's knees. His arm draped over Zilik's middle, Cale asked, "How do you feel?"

"Warmer. Like I'll live." Zilik tried to sit up but gave up, letting out a sigh and laying back down once more.

Alex paused for a moment before cautiously asking, "Did you feel anything else? Any uh, strange dreams?"

Zilik rubbed their eyes in thought before replying, "No. Before I felt like ice was growing in my center. Then it melted, bit by bit. I suppose that was your body heat, Alex?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to answer as she said too quickly, "Sure."

Razz furrowed his eye ridges as he looked up from what he was writing. "Alex, I can tell something is wrong. What is it?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably and avoided eye contact with Razz. "Nothing," she mumbled. }What are you writing?"

Razz sighed, shaking his head. "Now is not the time for distractions, Alex. Tell me what is wrong."

Cale, dislodged from Alex's knees, sat up as well. His eyes were shining as he said, "I dreamed I was back in our old family home. Gale and Rena were there, and my brothers too."

Alex stared at him with a look of wonder on her face. "Really?"

Cale smiled, the corners of his mouth lifting just so. "Yep, really really."

Alex shook her head in disbelief before standing up. "It's too early to quote Shrek at me. I need something to eat and drink first."

Razz hastily gathered the scattered papers and sketches from his desk, organizing them into neat stacks before standing up to march towards the door.

Alex rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Razz you're not my personal attendant."

Rile replied with a yawn, "Let him order food and wine, it's not like he'll have to prepare it."

Hearing this, Alex grabbed her pillow and smashed it over Rile's head, both erupting into laughter as Zilik curled into a ball trying to protect himself. Razz smiled at the sight before throwing open the door and calling out to one of the guards outside.

Razz started pouring a murky yellow-orange liquid into the fired clay cups. "Morning meal is on its way," he said in a singsong voice. "Zilik, you are to drink this fruit juice while we wait. You all should."

Alex wrinkled her nose and propped her hands on her hips. "I don't drink juice unless it has champagne in it."

"What is 'champagne'?" Razz asked, looking up from his task.

"A type of bubbly wine," Rile said before Gabe could interject. "Orange juice and champagne is called a mimosa, and it's Alex's favorite morning beverage."

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