CH 15.2 Reboot the Mission Redeaux

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Gabe lay on his side, wings folded tightly to his body. He ran his clawed fingers through Alex's soft, straight hair. As he did so, his larger wing slowly unfurled and draped over her. The luminescence of her body lit up the wing, radiating warmth throughout Gabe's entire form.

His head resting beside hers, he whispered a gentle "I love you" as she stirred in her sleep. With a start, her eyes opened and she looked around the room disoriented and scared. When their gazes met, Gabe smiled reassuringly.

"Gabe?" Alex asked, her eyes wide as she surveyed the cabin. "What happened? Why am I so wet and cold?"

"You helped me," Gabe said, his voice heavy with reverence. "You were incredible in replacing the nightmares of Cla." He ran a finger along the soft curve of her face, sending a shudder through her body. "I'm sorry I don't have enough body heat to keep you warm."

"Cla did this to you?" Alex caught his hand and traced her fingers over his knuckles. "Then you're my Gabe."

Gabe leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Yes, I'm your Gabe. Now and always."


Alex melted in Gabe's embrace, the heat from her body radiating through his.

"Since you helped me with my nightmares," Gabe started before Alex cut him off with a negative. Gabe shifted away from her and looked down into her eyes. "You didn't let me finish," he said softly.

"I know what you were going to say. You can't help me with Morgan. You don't have my powers. Leave it." Alex looked away, but her gaze snapped back as she heard Gabe's next words.

"What about Rile's Alex helping you?" He waited for an answer, but none came. Her jaw was set tight, her eyes burning with determination and a hint of fear that she couldn't hide. "Why won't you even consider it?" Gabe said gently.

With a deep breath, Alex replied, "One, this world's Morgan did a lot less to her and I won't put her through more. Two, the idea of her using her powers on me is creepy. Three, he used big illegal machines on my brain, not just torture."

Gabe ran gentle claws on her back over the terrible burn, one of the few places he could safely touch her. She claimed it itched and that his fingers on it eased her.

Alex let out a content sigh as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of Gabe's loving ministrations. "I'm surprised you kiss me," she murmured, before continuing softly. "Human kisses are disgusting while Agama ones are magnificent. It's a poor trade. Thank you, and it helps me tremendously."

Gabe traced circles on the side of her face with his thumb, ending at her lips. "My counterpart told you that human kisses are disgusting? He's a bigger idiot than I thought," he whispered.

"He was smart enough to never kiss me," Alex said. "This isn't about him. It's about you helping me and me thanking you."

Gabe tilted his head, closing the gap between them. His breath was a gentle caress across her skin. She ran her hands along his jaw and neck, feeling the warmth beneath her fingertips as she traced the contours of his face. Then he pressed his lips barely against hers, letting out a soft sigh of pleasure as their mouths met.

Alex pulled away slightly and smiled. "I guess powers help," she said with a light laugh. "Thank the Creator of All for them."

Gabe shook his head and touched her cheek tenderly. "It's not powers, it's you," he murmured before kissing her again, this time with more intensity and passion.

At length, they broke apart. Gabe stroked her hair. "I'm surprised Rile didn't make a play for you back on your world," he said at length.

Alex's eyes flashed with fury at the mention of Rile's name. "He took what he wanted," she said with bitterness. "Never again."

Betrayal - Book 3 of Guardians Saga - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now