CH 20 How To Train Your Dragon To Love You

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When Alex's sparkling hand touched Rile's face, a jolt of pleasure shot deep within him. His heart raced at the sparkles that cascaded down his neck and shoulder when she trailed her hands along his body. Alex hesitated for a moment as he moaned in appreciation.

"I don't think I can survive this."

Instantly, she stopped. "It's hurting? It shouldn't."

"No, quite the opposite. This beats regular sex a hundredfold."

Alex smiled as she moved her hands slowly over each of his fingers. "Why Rile, you bad boy," she purred. "Or is that bad Dragon Boy?"

He smirked. "You love me for it." His smile grew wider and somewhat malicious. "Gabe will be so upset when he realized what he gave up."

"Are you sure? I don't think he thought so."

Rile snorted. "That honorable jerk was a virgin when we were Called."

"Don't mock him for that." Alex's hand stopped glowing, and she pulled away. "Some of us would have liked that choice."

Rile kissed her fingertips again. "I'm sorry I was so insensitive. The only choice I care about is that you choose me. What I meant was: he will be one disappointed guy on his uniting night."

"That pleases me in a vindictive way." Alex snuggled back against Rile.

"Why, Alex, you bad girl."

"I am evil, but you love me for it."

"For many things." Rile's face grew sober. "But what about you? It isn't right that I get all the fun here."

"That's why I'm going slowly," Alex said, reaching for Rile's shoulder. Her fingers dug into his muscles, causing him to gasp and relax. "It gives my nervous system time to synchronize with yours. By the end, I'll be feeling what you feel...if you survive that long."

Rile chuckled. "Greatest motivation ever." His eyes sparkled with mischief.

"You realize there won't be any regular sex. Ever," Alex warned, her eyes boring into his.

Rile shrugged. "I can live with that."

"Just making sure." Alex began massaging his other shoulder, sending tingles coursing through her own nerves as well. She worked her way down to each fingertip, her touch sparking pleasure in every nerve ending. Skipping to his feet, she continued up his legs until she reached his thighs.

"It's time for my favorite part." With both hands on his chest, Alex's palms glowed bright white as they flared with light. They were both caught in a swirl of light and pleasure that crescendoed until it was almost unbearable.

When it finished, Alex collapsed onto Rile's chest, breathless and sated. Rile rolled to his side, careful to hold Alex close. He extended his top wing toward the ceiling and then lowered it to cover Alex. She felt the soft, leathery surface with sparkling fingers and they both gasped.

"I'm sorry," she said. "You should put your wing away before I hurt it. I'm surprised by the intensity of feeling."

"I'm not afraid." Rile said, his eyes never leaving hers.

She smiled at him and traced her fingers along each spar of the wing membrane. "Guide me. I don't know what to do next."

Rile grinned at her in response and ran his hands through her hair. "Do whatever you want. We're still synchronized. You won't hurt me. I trust you." He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "What do you want to do to my wings?"

Alex blushed so deep she had to look away from him for a moment before gathering her courage again.

"You know how I can make your skin glow slightly?" Alex asked timidly. "I wonder if I could light up your entire wing sail as well?"

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