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Mikey: are u sure u wanna do this?

Fay: yes i'm sure, why?

Mikey: idk if he'll like it?

Fay: wdym

Mikey: will he like the date on aug 21?

Fay: ofc everyone loves skydiving

Mikey: i'm making sure ur comfortable with it

Fay: i mean i've never done it if that's what ur implying

Mikey: u can prolly be strapped to him then

Fay: why?

Mikey: we've done it like a lot of times

Fay: how many??

Mikey: 24 to be exact

Fay: how?

Mikey: yeah ig that's one thing he likes

Fay: is he afraid of heights?

Mikey: nope, why are u ?

Fay: ....yeah....

Mikey: ughhhh c'mon i already paid for this !!

Fay: it's fine, i'll do it i don't wanna waste ur money

Mikey: good, and the amusement park tickets

Fay: yeah, what abt those ?

Mikey: they've been paid for by me, i better some money off of this tbh

Fay: but like u guys are like rich!

Mikey: hey hey hey, our first big money thing we made was with our first number 1 hit: she looks so perfect! we are not rich rich if that's what ur implying

Fay: such big words lmao

Mikey: ugh just shut up!

Fay: fine i will

Mikey: has ur plane come yet?

Fay: no it has not taken off yet be patient mikey

Mikey: are u sure ur gonna get enough sleep before the date tmr?

Fay: i see what u mean and yes, i'm one of those ppl who run on low to no amounts of sleep at all

Mikey: ugh that's still not good tbh

Fay: it's what i do since i have to be at work at 5:00 in the morning

Mikey: where do u even work, that has u up that early??

Fay: Starbucks

Mikey: i mean do u at least get free breakfast ??

Fay: nope i don't eat breakfast, i just eat lunch and a late dinner or no dinner

Mikey: well when do u get off of work??

Fay: 10:30 pm

Mikey: ok ok we need to set some rules abt eating between u and i, and a consequence is we tell ash, on one of the days that u don't have a date. so just listen to me, kapeesh?

Fay: fine what would u like me to do better?

Mikey: eat breakfast and dinner

Fay: but like i can't force food in my stomach at like 4:15 in the morning, it just doesn't happen

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