(=ↀωↀ=) ~ The Chaos begins

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Starscream's POV

It is pretty weird how Knockout struggles while holding me, but I can understand it since I'm pretty big in this new cat form. The point is that this stupid Medic is bringing me to the throne room, and when I see the big door in front of me, I shiver.

Knockout: "Calm down, I doubt Lord Megatron will hurt you."

If only you knew.
The huge door opened, and Knockout walked in, and as soon as Soundwave saw me, he walked toward us and caressed me.
I didn't complain, but I didn't purr either. The veicons were staring at me, and then, I saw him.
Lord Megatron was sitting on his throne, looking at my cat body pretty confused.

Megatron: "Knockout, where does this cat come from?"

Knockout: "I found it in Starscream's quarters, I haven't found the Seeker, tho. And I called it Star!"

Megatron: "I understand... bring it to me."

Knockout walked through the big room, bringing me closer to my death. When the Medic stopped in front of the large mech, I felt shivers down my spine.
Megatron's huge servo reached my muzzle, and, following my instincts, I sniffed him. I couldn't feel any type of aggressive intention or behavior, but I didn't question as I rubbed my muzzle on his digits.

Megatron: "...since we can't find Starscream, someone will have to take care of you."

That sentence got me shivers down my spine. I really hope he means Soundwave and surely not himself, because I could die in that case.

Soundwave: "Can I take care of Star?"

I looked at the purple bot as my tail started wagging a little at the idea to be under the care of someone who actually had a cat.

Megatron: "I was thinking more of myself."

Yes, I'm gonna die.

Knockout: "My Lord, are you a cat person?!"

Megatron: "Obviously, cats are such intelligent and elegant animals."

Yeah, sure. You wouldn't say these things if you knew who you're talking about.
By the way, in a rush of trust that I didn't know where came from, I unconsciously jumped in his servos.
Why the frag did I do that- CAT INSTINCTS THE FRAG!?

Megatron: "See? He likes me!"

His servos were just... big.
He could hold me with no problems, having his digits deep in my fur.
I didn't complain about being on his grasp, mostly because of possible consequences.

Megatron: "Now, I think I'll go to my quarters. If anyone needs me, I don't care. Bye"

With that last weird sounding sentence, he left the throne room, going directly to his quarters. I might be the first one to see his private room since no one is allowed in it.
The door opened, and it was big, but like HUGE. Probably for my cat proportions.

I jumped off his servos and went around, studying the place. And then, I saw his berth.
Without even thinking about it, I jumped on it and laid down on my side. He sat beside me like he didn't want to move me, and that's weird.

I looked up at him as he was SMILING AT ME! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN.
Is Lord Megatron THAT MUCH of a cat lover!? Wow.

Megatron: "You comfortable?"

I tried to talk, but another loud meow came out. He chuckled, and Primus, has his smile always been so cute?
I don't think I've ever seen him smile actually.

Megatron: "hope you don't mind sleeping here with me, don't you?"

HECK YEAH THAT I MIND YOU BUCKETHELM! I'm going crazy, I know that.
The proof of me going crazy is mostly the fact that I got up, moved, and laid on his pillow.
And I hate these cat instincts.

He laid down with his helm right bedside my body.

Megatron: "So much time has passed from the last time I had a cat, I hope you're not a picky pet."

As he scratched behind my ear, I placed my helm on his servo. His expression was frighteningly adorable as he observed me in adoration.

In less than ten minutes, he fell into recharge, and I could observe his peaceful expression.
Am I questioning my Sexuality right now? Maybe.

~( ˘▾˘~)

Do not expect a serious fanfiction, please- and sorry for the short chapters.

This is not a book I actually planned.

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