( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ~ Avoidable chapter 🔞

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[ ⚠️: Sexual Activities; Dirty Talk; Orgasm Denial; Rough Sex; ]

Ultra Magnus' POV

Optimus: "I've been aware of your feelings toward me for some weeks now."

I was speechless. My cheek plates were blue as Energon as I looked up at the handsome Prime in front of me, trying to say something.

Magnus: "I-I-I CAN E-EXPLAIN!"

He took my servos in his and got closer to me, our frames far from each other only by some inches.

Optimus: "You don't need to."

He closed the distance between us, joining our dermas in a sweet, romantic, and incredibly unexpected kiss. My processor stopped working.
Optimus intertwined his digits with mine, deepening the kiss, until he slid his glossa in between my dermas. At that moment, I saw stars.

His servos moved from mine to my hips, pressing his frame against mine. My servos ended up on his chassis, but I accidentally scratched the glass on it.

He didn't care. The bot that was now pushing me toward his berth wasn't Optimus, or at least not the one I know.
I tripped and fell on my back plates as they landed on the soft sheets of the Prime's berth, and the sight that my optics caught was just... heavenly exiting.

I had fallen directly on Optimus's berth, and he was towering over me, looking down at my frame. Is he checking me out-!?
I didn't get an answer to my question. Instead, I got another sloppy kiss, with his glossa exploring hungrily my intake.

Suddenly, in the heat of the moment, I heard a 'click' and knew exactly what it was. My interface panel has opened after just some minutes of kissing, or better saying 'making out'.
Optimus looked at me with a soft, indecipherable expression. I thought he had stopped, thing that would have been pretty frustrating for me since I would have been forced to deal with this 'problem' alone, but he hadn't stopped.

He was still looking at me, without any signal of wanting to do otherwise. His strong servos grabbed my frame and placed me better on his berth as he stayed still in between my stabilizers.
I didn't expect what came after that, but Primus, if I enjoyed it.

His optics stared into mine as he asked permission, for I don't know what. Panting heavily, I nodded, decided to just accept whatever he wanted to do to me.
He laid down and faced my private parts, as I felt his moist glossa licking the dermas of my valve. I saw not only starts, but the galaxy.

His glossa kept sliding against the dermas of my valve until it popped in, penetrating me. I was aroused like I had never been, and loud, lewd whimpers kept escaping from my voice box.
While Optimus went ahead with his task, he placed his servos on my thighs and used them for support, as he scratched them a little in the process. It just aroused me more.

He was a little rough, but not rude or forceful. It was like a training session. He was serious, but without the intention to kill. It drove me crazy.
After some minutes of heavenly pleasure, I felt a knock in my tank as the pressure increased and became unbearable. I needed to overload. Immediately.

But suddenly, Optimus stopped. He took his glossa out of me and licked his dermas, savoring and tasting me on them. The only sight of it made me even more aroused.
But instead of opening his interface panel, he looked down at me. Since his frame was backlit, his front was shadowed, and great Primus. His brilliant, bright optics shone in the shadow of his faceplate, and I could do much more than feeling tiny and impotent under that look.

I don't think he was doing it on purpose, but his faceplate was just like that, slightly intimidating but also extremely attractive. I could have kissed it for hours.
His look on me was making me feel weak, but in a way that I adored. The feeling of being towered by Optimus aroused me extremely, and the dssire to be dominated by the last Prime himself, the only thought made me shiver.

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