(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Understanding

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Starscream's POV

It is a pretty annoying matter that I can't clearly communicate with the bots, but Knockout and Ratchet are dealing with the thing. In the meantime, I've tried to make the Autobots more comfortable, standing away from them and staying more with the kids and Soundwave.

Miko and Raph are not scared of me, not even a little bit, and I discovered that they are both cat people.
Today, things got a little different when Arcee took me and brought me to the ceiling, where I could see the sunset. She placed me down on the ground and sat beside me.

Arcee: "...you offlined my partner."

I did. I was the one responsible for the pain in her spark.
I could feel the sadness and the loneliness.
The same I experienced a long time ago.

To explain, I drew on the dust of the ground a little figure of Arcee and one of Cliffjumper.

Arcee: "Are those... me and Cliff...?"

I kept drawing, and then I drew a big X on Cliffjumper, with a draw of me beside.

Arcee: "...yes, that's you..."

Then, beside it, I drew myself, with two other Seeker...

Arcee: "...and that is... you again."

I looked at her with the same sadness I could feel in her spark, while I placed two big X on the other Seekers, drawing her, beside.

She looked at the drawing, explaining how she offlined my brothers, the two of my trine. When she understood, she looked down at me.

Arcee: "...they were Decepticons, I had to do it."

I kept drawing. The Autobot Insignia on her and Cliffjumper, and the Decepticon Insignia on me, and on them... the Seeker sign.

Arcee: "They... weren't Decepticons?"

We looked at each other.
They were on the Nemesis to look for me, to try to get me far away from that place and that army.
And they ended up getting offlined by an Autobot femme.

Her gaze softened, and her optics started watering.

Arcee: "...I killed your brothers, didn't I?"

She took me in her harms, placing me on her lap.

Arcee: "An optic for an opcic, I guess..."

No. She took two optics.
But I took a spark.

I didn't try to do anything, I stayed there, purring in her servos, trying to comfort her.
Eventually, after a while, we went back inside and she placed me in the human zone.

Jack came to me.

Jack: "What have you done!? She's cried, I can see it."

I looked down at him. And then I looked at her, and I meowed.
She turned and waved at me with a tiny smile.

Jack: "...how can she forgive you!? You killed her partner."

One day you'll understand war, kid.

In the meantime, Miko came to me, starting to tell me about her favorite rocj band or her life in Japan.

I was happy to listen to her.

~( ˘▾˘~)

I'm doing the stupid-

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