(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Thoughts and Love

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Starscream's POV

I woke up, my limbs hurting slightly, but at the sight of my new Sparkmate, all my pains immediately disappeared. I poked lightly at his cheek plate to wake him up, and Primus the lazy gaze he gave me when his optics opened. I still can't believe that he's mine, that I'm his, wow.
We stared at each other for at least five minutes before I chuckled and broke the silence. He seemed confused, but I bent over and left a quick, sweet kiss on his dermas.

Starscream: "Good morning, handsome."

His cheek plates quickly became as blue as Energon, and he looked somewhere else, everywhere but my faceplate. He gets flustered by nicknames, noted.
I got up and noticed how I was stille on top of his frame, but I didn't mind about it.

Starscream: "I have some tasks to do, so I gotta go."

He quickly got up and hugged me, I don't know why, but he did it.

Megatron: "Promise to come back as soon as you finish."

I looked at him and kissed him sweetly. Then I talked.

Starscream: "Obviously, you don't have to worry."

He's such a big softie. Where was this side of him all this time? After getting off his berth, I walked out of the room while sending him a kiss.
Walking through the corridors, I heard some yells from the control room, so I went to investigate. Turns out it was Ratchet yelling.


What the heck?
I walk in on a pretty confused scene.
Ultra Magnus, extremely terrified, hiding behind Optimus as the Prime shielded him from Ratchet's rage.
Not so confused after all.

Starscream: "...hi."

Ratchet: "Hi, Starscream."

He calmed slightly, seeing me.


Magnus: "He can't even tell Megatron he likes him!"


While they yelled, I felt a pair of big servos wrapping around my shoulder plates. Some cold dermas covered by scars kissed the back of the helm while the servos squeezed me against their owner.
When the other bots looked at us, they all shushed. I turned my helm to see Megatron's faceplate extremely close to mine.

Megatron: "Sorry, I wanted to see you."

I smiled slightly at him, caressing his cheek plate with my claws.

Starscream: "No need to apologize, you can hug me whenever you want."

I left a quick kiss on his dermas and placed my forehelm against his, and dear Primus he literally started purring. Like, his engines rumbled and it sounded like a purr.

Starscream: "Oh so you can purr too?"

Magnus: "I'm sORRY-!"

We both looked at the other bots in the room, Ratchet was confused as hell, Ultra Magnus shocke, and Optimus had some tears of emotion.
I stared at each of them, questioning myself on why they had these reactions.

Starscream: "...what's wrong?"

Ratchet: "Y-You... you... got together...?"

Starscream: "...yeah."

Shocked, he seemed unable to elaborate the fact that wow, his number one ship became canon? Incredible.
As I stared at the shocked Ratchet, Optimus walked toward Megatron and held his servos in his own with an unusual sweet smile on his faceplate.

Optimus: "I am very happy for you, old friend."

As Optimus and Megatron talked, Ultra Magnus came up to me.

Magnus: "You seem really calm about this."

Starscream: "Why shouldn't I be?"

Magnus: "Oh you know, he's... complicated."

Starscream: "Because he's autistic?"

Magnus: "Well, kinda."

Starscream: "Are you still drunk?"

Magnus: "Kinda, why?"

Starscream: "I can see it."

I went to my place at the console and started my tasks, and every now and then I look back at Megatron. He's compleatly someone else now, and I think I love him.

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