(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Safe

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Starscream's POV

My wounds still hurt.
I would have never believed that I would have been able to survive thank to the Autobots, the ones that want my spark extinguished.

I've been laying on the MedBay bed for hours now, while Ratchet, the Autobot Medic, checked up my conditions. Knockout was forced to get out of the room, so I remained alone with the doctor.

Ratchet: "Alright, now try to meow."

I did, and a loud meow actually came out of my dermas.

Ratchet: "Alright, good. You're gonna heal soon enough, but try not to make hard movements."

I nodded as he took me in his servos and brought me back with the other bots. Knockout immediately ran to take me into his grasp, cuddling me and telling me how scared he got while whipping his own tears off his face.
Soundwave, on the other servo, came to me and cupped my faceplate in his slender digits. He caressed me gently and softly, and it really made my time.

Soundwave: "I'm sorry, I should have protected your secret better."

It's fine, you big purple idiot. I don't hate you, not even a little bit.
I licked his digit, trying to comfort him, and he took me in his servos.

Then I saw the Autobot scout coming closer to us.

Bumblebee: "Weeewewe"

Knockout: "I'm... sorry, Bumblebee, we don't understa-"

Soundwave: "Sure, if Starscream is comfortable with it, you can cuddle him."

Soundwave looked at me, and I nodded. The silent bot handed me to the yellow bot, who took me in his servos hesitantly.
I let him take me and place me on his shoulder plate when he started petting me and caressing me with his not sharp digits.

I unconsciously started making biscuits on his shoulder plate, trying not to scratch his pant job or hurt him. While my paws were expressing how much I appreciated his way of petting me, I started purring, and the scout made a loud noise.

One of the humans, Raph, looked at the two of us.

Raph: "I agree, Bee, he's really cute."

Then, the scout placed me on the human area where the tall black haired guy stayed far away from me, unlike Miko and Raph, who came to pet my muzzle and hug my neck cables.
These two, with Soundwave and Knockout, may be the first ones to actually appreciate me in eons.

I'm pretty happy right now, and mostly, thing that I haven't been in a while... I feel safe.

~( ˘▾˘~)

You know.

Kitty ~ [Transformers Prime - Megastar]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora