(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Hard Night

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[ ⚠️: presence of Panic Attack ]

Starscream's POV

Nothing's better than a calm night.
Let's just jump the fact that I'm still in Megatron's berth and in his servos, but I don't totally hate it since I can feel that he's been doing really well lately. Less stressed, less sad, and mostly less lonely.

But at some point, my ears twitched. Megatron's breath became unstable. His servos were now trembling, and he squeezed me against his chest plate while shaking for some reason.
I looked up at his faceplate, and from his closed optics, I could see tears leaking. In that moment, some stupid cat instinct kicked in, and sneaking out of his grasp, I went closer to his faceplate.

Not knowing what to do, I licked off his tears, trying to calm him down. After some seconds, he woke up as my spark beat slowed down.
Something was still off, and his optics were full of... fear. I climbed on his frame and placed a paw on his cheek plate, trying to calm him down again, but looked at me.

He said nothing.
Just sat there, looking at me with pure terror in his optics and tears going down on his faceplate.
My ears were down, and my tail was wagging like crazy as I was more than worried for Megatron's safety and emotional state.

Then I recognized it.
Lord Megatron is having a panic attack, different from mine, but staring at something while crying like this cannot be too far from a panic attack.
I looked around the room and saw the monitors on his desk. I jumped down the berth and ran toward it, jumping on the desk and turning on the monitor.

It's hard typing with paws, but I can handle it. As I was accessing my personal files looking for it, Lord Megatron's breath was becoming heavier.
I finally found it and played the recording. I heard again that voice.

[---]: "Hey Shooting Star, it's me, Skyfire..."

I looked at Lord Megatron that was now looking at me on the desk.

[---]: "I just wanted to tell you that I miss you so so much, Thundercracker and Skywarp too."

[---]: "Obviously! You're hour brother after all!"

[---]: "And the oldest of our trine."

My idea seems to work, this is just like completely exposing myself but it's the price to distract Lord Megatron from the pain he's experiencing right now.

[---]: "I hope you're going great at the air force academy! Maybe when you come back, we'll be able to go on a flight..."

Lord Megatron got up from the berth and came closer.

[---]: "...so you you will show me all your great moves! We miss you so much."

[---]: "Yeah bro! Come back as soon as you can!"

[---]: "We'll be here waiting for our big brother."

[---]: "We love you Shooting Star!"

The recording ended there, and Lord Megatron was looking at me. In his optics I couldn't see any type of fear, but the confusion and worry were impossible to ignore.

Megatron: "...you're not just a normal cat, aren't you?"

I lowered my ears, this was the end. He discovered that I am indeed the missing Seeker, so he's going to terminate me soon.
In my surprise, he took me in his servos and brought me to MedBay.

Megatron: "Knockout, scan Star, I think I've found that idiot that's missing."

~( ˘▾˘~)

I don't know?
Guys I'm sorry-


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