(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Snuggling

474 19 15

Starscream's POV

Seems like it's easier now staying awake during the night, and it's surely easier to examine Megatron's sleep schedule.
And it's fragged up.

Right now, Megatron is simply resting on his berth reading on some datapads. I looked up at him from the cathouse that was put next to his berth, questioning myself about how I could terminate him.
That's what you would think.
Instead, I was just thinking of how I feel: stressed, sad, lonely... seems like I can feel his same emotions.

He has beaten me up for eons now, and I've always hated him for it, but now... he looks so sad and lonely. I think I just want him to feel a little better. Maybe if he felt better himself, he would stop taking his anger out on other people.
I don't think there's much I can do, but Soundwave did tell me that Lord Megatron would have felt better if I stayed with him... he mentioned Snuggling.

I looked up at the silver mech before jumping on his berth and sitting on his lower abdomen. He didn't complain, just started caressing me behind the ear and enjoying those cuddles, I started purring.
Not much time passed when my new cat instincts kicked in, and I started pushing in his servo for more cuddles.

Megatron: "You're a cuddle lover, huh? ...I really wish that people were easy to deal with as much as cats."

I looked up at him as I climbed on his chest plate, laying down there and purring directly on his faceplate.

Megatron: "People are just... complicated... take Starscream as an example! He's so stupid and useless, always tries to terminate me, just for what? Power!?"

Great, he's talking scrap about me now.

Megatron: "But... but at the same time, he's a great soldier. He's smart and the best flyer we have! It'd be a shame killing a Seeker like him, I'm more likely to bring him to fear me, so he can just stop doing stupid things and start putting some effort!"

He's talking nonsense. He's too tired.

Megatron: "If he actually does something great, I'd be happy to tell him that he did a great job, but everytime he achieves something there's always some stupid plan to kill me that destroys all the positive things he did! Why can't he just choose!? Do you want me dead or not!?"

Honestly, I don't have an answer to this question. There have been times when I asked myself why I wanted him dead so much, but my only reason was to become leader of the Decepticons.
But I am genuinely surprised by all those sweet things he said about me, mostly the flyer thing. Trying to be a help for him, I snuggled under his faceplate, unconsciously licking his cheek plate.

He chuckled slightly as I did so, and gave me a sweet, gentle kiss on my helm. That single act brought back so many memories, but I once again pushed them down, back in the deep messed up ocean that is my mind.
I ignored al the other noises and, focusing on Megatron's voice, I closed my optics.

Then, I fell into recharge, focused on how Lord Megatron seemed to actually care about me.

~( ˘▾˘~)

Okay, not much here.
I hope you're liking this book and I'm sorry if you don't.

I'm not that good with dramatic books and this is not a dramatic book, but it can be, and that's what I'm counting on.

*Eda's Byeeeeee*

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