(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Others

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Starscream's POV

I was resting, Miko and Raph sleeping on my back, Jack on the couch, still trying to understand if he could trust me. The thing that took me away from my thoughts was a wheels sound. Three vehicles on wheels were coming in.

In not much, I saw three other bots in front of us, Knockout petting me and Soundwave looking at me. The tall one, Ultra Magnus, saw KO and Sounders and pointed his weapons at them.

Optimus had to intervene to stop him from harming their new allies. Magnus stopped, and Smokescreen was just confused while Wheeljack came directly to me.

Wheeljack: "And who's this cutie?"

He petted me on the helm.

Knockout: "That's Starscream."

He stopped petting me and started laughing.

Wheeljack: "Commander High Heels!? Well, now I'd say Commander Long Fur! Ahahah-! OUCH-!"

Wheeljack was struck by a flying wrench that came from the medbay.


Wheeljack: "Oh, come on, Sunshine! You know I couldn't sit still even if I wanted to!"


Knockout: "Wait- Sunshine? What are you, Sparkmates?"

Wheeljack: "Oh, he's my ex-Sparkmate."

Ratchet: "I am you FRAGGING CONJUX-!"

Knockout: "Oh... I'm not even that surprised."

I could hear Soundwave's giggling behind his visor, but after some minutes he stopped, and he seemed sad.
I know he likes Shockwave, a lot, and he ran away from the Decepticons and the one he loves to save me...
I feel a little bad.

In that moment, Soundwave started petting me, probably noticing the sadness and guilt in my expression.
Being a cat is making understand things that I could understand at all before.

I have to say that it's great, tho. I can understand better my friends and their feelings. I like being a cat.


Some hours are passed, and guess what, Knockout, Ratchet and Wheeljack came up with a thing that should make me able to communicate with them.

~( ˘▾˘~)

Short chapter- sorry-

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