(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Operation: Sweet Dinner

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Starscream's POV

It was not hard to organize all of that, and it surely wasn't a problem. With the bots' help, we cleaned up the human area and settled up a table with two chairs and candles.
The perfect private date.

The hard part? Convincing the two.

Optimus was the easiest one to convince, as Miko simply asked him to spend some time with the kids in his holoform, and he agreed.

Ultra Magnus, on the other hand, was a little harder. Ratchet had to ask him, and since he never used his holoform, it could be an excuse.
The Medic asked him to test his holoform for the first time, and he agreed, believing that the Medic would never try to trick him. He was wrong. So wrong.


The two bots had left their Cybertronian frames in their quarters and found themselves, in their holoforms, in the human area that was settled just like a fancy restaurant.
We were all spying on them, and Optimus didn't wait much before sitting at the table, probably not understanding why Miko had told him that little white lie.

Ultra Magnus, on the other servo, was fuming. His faceplate was completely red, and he was looking at Optimus in pure embarrassment.
However, he sat down in front of the Prime without looking at him directly.

They remained silent for at least 10 minutes as Optimus looked straight at Ultra Magnus, and the other tried to not blush more ashe gave back the peaceful stare.

Optimus: "So, Ultra Magnus, do you have any idea of why the others have done this?"

The first lieutenant couldn't properly find the right words to say, but after some minutes, he finally spoke.

Magnus: "No, Commander, I am not quite sure of their reasons."

We were seeing everything through the cameras and Primus the comments.

Smokescreen: "He really doesn't know how to hit on someone-"


Ratchet: "I am disappointed."

Knockout: "...that's really sad, just get up and kiss him, you dumb idiot."

I was focused on Ultra Magnus, that after some other minutes, made a step forward through a conversation with the Prime.

Magnus: "This may not be the best moment for my report, but I would like to let you know our achievements in the last days."

Optimus smiled slightly.

Optimus: "Go ahead then."

Ultra Magnus started telling him how Soundwave helped Wheeljack to improve weapons and defense systems, and mostly, he was looking at him straight in the optics and wasn't stuttering. Incredible.

We were all pretty disappointed by Ultra Magnus' behavior, completely formal and without any type of emotion if not embarrassment that was actually something, so I don't complain.

Finally, Miko came to then in a waiter suit and a pair of fake mustache.
Pretty funny.

She was followed by Jack, same suit but without the mustache. They placed two plates down in front of the two and went away.

For this romantic dinner, Jack had suggested an Italian food that he learned to cook during summers with his grandparents back in Italy (Sssssssh I can-) and we all agreed.

The dish consisted of polenta and ragù, and wow, I don't even know how to pronunciation these two words.
Without saying a word to each other, they started eating. It was really sad.

Kitty ~ [Transformers Prime - Megastar]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя