(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Bad Things Happen

466 16 13

[ ⚠️: Presence of Violence, Emotional and Physical abuse ]

Starscream's POV

Knockout examined me, every type of test needed to find some problem, but it seemed like he found nothing.

Knockout: "My liege, Star is completely fine, and... he's a cat, so I'm pretty certain that it is not Starscream."

Megatron: "I know what I'm saying! Find a way to prove it! Or else-"

Before he could hit Knockout, I placed a paw on his servo, and he immediately stopped.
I looked at him with low ears and a worried wagging tail, trying to calm him down.

Megatron: "...don't look at me like that, I know it's you, Starscream."

He just knows, so I can't do much. I took off my paw from his servo, but at least I avoided knockout a useless big amount of pain.
The Medic took me and did some more tests, and when he analyzed my CNA, he noticed.

Knockout: "...you seem to be right, my liege... Satr's CNA matches Starscream's."

Megatron: "See!? I told you!"

Knockout: "I'll... I'll call Shockwave to come up with a way to give him back his normal frame."

Knockout was looking at me in the same way you look at someone who just shot your hamster. His optics were confused, and he was not smiling.
He started caressing my helm while Megatron almost ran away from MedBay.

Knockout: "So it's always been you? Wow... i thought you finally ran away from this stupid ship. I would have wanted to come with you, tho..."

Was he honest? I don't know, but he started walking, passing the MedBay's door. I followed him on four paws as he walked through the corridors, and I knew where he's going.
He stopped in front of the throne room's door, and when it opened, I saw Megatron almost hitting Soundwave.

I ran to the silent bot, climbing on his back plates and stopping on his shoulder plate. Megatron stopped himself from hitting both Soundwave and me.
He looked at the purple bot in pure rage.

Megatron: "Why didn't you tell me sooner, Soundwave!?"

He stayed silent for a while as he took me in his slender servos and cuddled me to calm himself, looking for the courage to speak honestly.

Soundwave: "...I thought that he could have helped with... that, you know..."

Megatron had a disappointed expression on his faceplate, thing that I'm used to, but Soundwave absolutely isn't.

Megatron: "...it seems that the two misfortunes of the Decepticons get along better than expected."

Soundwave's arms started trembling as well as his breath behind the visor. From my position, I could clearly feel Soundwave's panic and shock from Megatron's words, and I hissed at the Warlord.
He looked down at me in pure rage as I kept hissing at him. Soundwave's the one that kept my secret, so it's my turn to do something him now. The silent bot looked down at me while his servos stopped shaking.

Everything happened too fast for me to handle it, but one moment I was in Soundwave's servos, and the other I was on the ground, feeling Energon leaking from many wounds on my body as my breath was slowing down and my spark beat almost extinguished.

~( ˘▾˘~)

...I'm sorry-

Kitty ~ [Transformers Prime - Megastar]Where stories live. Discover now