(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Threat

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Starscream's POV

I felt my optics turning on. My tail moved slightly as my ears twitched, I stretched my frame and felt a tough surface underneath me.
Before I could look, memories flowed back to my processor, and my optics went wide open. I then looked down and found underneath me Megatron's motionless frame.
He's recharging, fortunately.

As I was trying to process all that happened last night, I tried to move, but sadly, my movements were limited.
I reached for my comm link with my claw and opened it, calling for Knockout.

Knockout: "Hey, Starscream, what is i-"

Starscream: "Megatron's quarters, bot form, can't walk, pick me up!"

Knockout: "...I'm on my way."

When the door opened, I was incredibly happy to see Knockout silently running in. He came closer to the berth and looked at the deeply recharging mech underneath me.

Knockout: "What the hell did you do?"

Starscream: "Not the moment to judge, please take me out of here!"

Reaching out his servos, he lifted me and ran out of the room with me in 'em, fortunately not questioning. When he stopped, we were in the medbay, and he placed me on one of the berths, looking at me like a disappointed corrier.

Knockout: "...what did you do?"

Starscream: "You have no right of looking at me like that!"

Knockout: "I do! You were in Megatron's quarters, laying on his frame, and we both know that now he's a lot more vulnerable than before!"

Starscream: "Yes, but... he's... he said he has feelings for me..."

Knockout: "Yes, I know!"

My optics shutted open, staring at the angry Medic.

Starscream: "...what do you mean you know...?"

Knockout: "When we came back, Shockwave told me about Megatron's feelings! I'm the one who knows how to handle feelings and emotions, so it was the most 'logical' choice! Tell me you did not interface with him!"

Starscream: "I..."

I couldn't look at him. They all knew? Soundwave as well? What if Optimus knew, too? Did they all know? Am I the only idiot stupid enough not to notice it? Am I that pathetic...?

Knockout: "Starscream... you're an idiot, honestly."

His optics were fixed on my faceplate, and I don't think I've ever seen Knockout so disappointed in me.
It hurts more than it should have.
While I was looking at the ground, I heard his steps fading away as he walked out of Medbay.

Starscream: "...I did something really stupid, didn't I..."

[---]: "You did."

A 'yelp' came out of me as I looked up in the shadows of Medbay, and I saw that stupid big optic.

Shockwave: "You did something very, very stupid."

Again, there at judging me, not like I'm not already doing it myself.
But he walked toward me, stopping only when he was really close to me, and his single optic staring into mine.
It frightened me, but it also felt comfortable.

Shockwave: "Listen closely, you dtupid Seeker, Megatron is extremely confused right now, and you did something incredibly irresponsible. Now, if he comes to you asking: 'What now?' I want you to go along his lines. He confesses? You agree on becoming his partner. He says he's not ready? You confort him and tell him it's fine to not be sure, but if you make him suffer, it won't end well for you, know it."

He was extremely calm while saying this, and he's not a bot of empty threats. In the silence, I nodded, agreeing on bending to Megatron's will.

Shockwave: "Good, and don't think of using him or I'll offline you myself."

He didn't even wait for an answer as he walked away, leaving me in MedBay. I was alone for real this time, and I had nothing to do but wait.


Short chapter, I'm really sorry, guys🥺

I'll write more! I promise! (At least I'll try-)

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