(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Settling down

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Starscream's POV

Both Decepticons and Autobots have decided to have a truce, mostly because I said they deserved another chance. Not even I am sure why I said yes, but I'll see if they really deserve it or not.

The Autobots have settled on the Nemesis for a while and decided to use Ground Bridges to go get and bring back the kids.

When Miko discovered that there was a truce between the two factions, she immediately called dibs to spend time with Predaking, as she loved dragons and wanted to know more about him.

Raph was extremely excited, mostly because he could receive free hacking lessons from Soundwave AND Cybertronian science notions from Shockwave. He was so happy.

Jack was reluctant from the beginning, believing it was all a plan to offline the Autobots more easily. He kept his distance from the other Decepticons.

I didn't know what I was feeling, I was happy to be on the Nemesis again, but I was feeling costantly observed. A pair of red optics was always on my back, and I knew who it was.
Megatron hadn't stopped staring at me from the moment I came back on the Nemesis, but I don't feel any type of aggression or even anger from him.

He's been passing a lot of time with Shockwave, Soundwave, and Optimus, Ratchet also, but more rarely. I still couldn't believe that he's part of the Autistic Spectrum. He always expressed anger and nothing more, so honestly, it's not hard to accept it, I'm just extremely surprised.

This afternoon, I found myself pawing around the corridors of the Nemesis, and suddenly, I saw Megatron going into his quarters. My feline instinct told me to follow him, and that's what I did.
Before the door closed, I slipped in and hid under his desk as he laid down on his berth. He was staring at the ceiling, but after some minutes, he finally talked.

Megatron: "...maybe if I had stopped beating him up sooner he wouldn't hate me that much..."

He's probably not talking about me, since he hates me.

Megatron: "...but I already tried to offline him, many times! But why couldn't I just tear out his spark...?"

I was staring to feel like he was actually talking about me, but that's pretty much impossible, since he hates me.

Megatron: "...and besides, he's not even that ugly... would he ever consider the possibility of staying with someone like me...? Probably not..."

Yep, he's absolutely not talking about me.

The door opened, and the single-eyed scientist came in, then he sat down in front of Megatron on his berth.

Shockwave: "...you've been overthinking again?"

I saw Megatron nodding, and suddenly, my feline instincts suggested me to get closer. From under his desk, I jumped on the shelves with trophies and other objects, and with my feline agility, I placed myself right above the two.

Megatron: "I just... I can't understand him."

Shockwave: "I know, no one can, not even the Autobots understood him. He'd be a great psychological tester."

Absolutely not talking about me.

Shockwave: "...you have a different kind of feeling tho, you like him."

Megatron: "it's more than that! I-I feel like I want to stay by his side and... I-I... I don't know... what's wrong with me!?"

Shockwave: "Nothing is wrong with you my liege, I've are told you. Now, I must go, but I'll come back in some hours, alright?"

Shockwave looked at Megatron and got up from the berth.

Shockwave: "...I don't understand why you feel like that for Starscream, but I have to say I understood the feeling, so please, if you have any need of talking about it, come to my laboratory."

Megatron: "Alright, thank you..."

Shockwave left.
I stayed there, surprised, shocked even. Megatron has feelings for me!?
That is not possible. He hates me.
I stayed on the shelve above Megatron while he looked around the room, but he talk before I could think of anything else.

Megatron: "...I wonder if he'll ever be a Cybertronian again... I love cats but... I'd really like to see his frame again, I really like it..."

Taking the opportunity, I jumped off the shelve and landed on his berth, right between his stabilizers.
He looked down at me, wide optics and slightly clue cheek plates.

Megatron: "...Starscream?"

I nodded, and I could see a hint of panic in his optics. It was almost cute.
Before he could say anything else, I activated the collar and shifted to my Cybertronian frame, with the cat hears and tail.

Starscream: "...you can see my frame every time you want."

He was completely different from what I expected, panicking at seeing me sitting between his stabilizers. He was cute, really.
My ears twitching slightly as my tail moved around smoothly, he was looking at me, speechless, probably.

I want to try something. I could get oflined, but it'd be the most honorable way.

Starscream: "So... repeat what you said back there."

As I said this, I got my faceplate closer to his as I started purring. My tail wiggled around against the smooth metal of his thigh plates.
He blushed more. I'm just so surprised at how flustered I can get him.

Megatron: "...w-which one of the t-things I said...?"

I chuckled and got so close that my dermas were just inches away from his.

Starscream: "That you like my frame."

He moved his faceplate to the side, looking elsewhere as he was blushing furiously. What a cutie under all that anger.

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