(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Star

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Starscream's POV

Knockout's digits were caressing my fur slowly, as he enjoyed my involuntary purring.

Knockout: "Your fur is so clean and bright, since you were in Starscream's quarters, I assume you are his cat..."

Is he for real? He doesn't even recognize me.

Knockout: "...well, Starscream never told me to own a cat, I would have insisted on meeting you, I love cats!"

Yeah, I noticed.

Knockout: "But really, you look a lot like Starscream..."

Is he understanding?

Knockout: "...how about I call you Star? Just like your owner!"

No, he doesn't get it.
But I do appreciate the simple name instead of Screamer or things like that. I nuzzled his hand to approve the name, and he smiled like an idiot.

Knockout: "You really are adorable like Starscream."

He finds me adorable?
Seems like my optics staring at him let him think that it was fine to talk to me.

Knockout: "Well, you surely are a sweet little furball, wait for Soundwave to see you, and Lord Megatron!"

At the moment, I didn't think about it, but Lord Megatron is not a merciful one. He probably wouldn't wait a second to terminate me.
And he would obviously recognize me on tho spot, so I just can't let Megatron see me.

Knockout: "We're almost there."


~( ˘▾˘~)

Alright, this is really really short, and I'm sorry, but I'll soon publish the next chapter, I SWEAR-

And if I don't, just tell me bc I probably forgot.

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