(=ↀωↀ=) ~ Good and Bad News

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Starscream's POV

We all know what happened between Optimus and Magnus. We heard them.

On the other servo, Magnus has started feeling bad after a while, for a week now he's been upset and sick.
I saw him reject Energon a lot usually, so he decided to let Ratchet examine him.

While Ratchet and Knockout were in the MedBay with Magnus, we were all in the main room. We heard a scream.

Magnus: "I'M WHAT!?"

We ran in the MedBay, me on Optimus' shoulder as he ran in.
We saw Knockout laing on the floor, laughing, and Ratchet deadly serious.
Ultra Magnus was speechless, shocked, sitting on the Medic berth.

I jumped off of Optimus' shoulder and on the desk, as the Prime went to Ultra Magnus and looked in his optics.

Optimus: "Ultra Magnus, what is the matter?"

The other bot looked at Optimus with a confused and worried expression, and some tears came out of his optics.

Magnus: "I-I... I'm sparked."

A collective gasp was heard, and Ultra Magnus was already in tears.

Magnus: "I-I'm sorry Optimus, I-I should have been more careful...! I-I-"

Before Ultra Magnus could say more, Optimus cupped his faceplate in his servos and kissed him.
The ohter closed his optics and placed his servos on the Prime's. Then Optimus broke the kiss, looking lovely at Magnus.

Optimus: "It is not your fault, Ultra Magnus, and I see this as a blessing, not an unfortunate accident."

Ultra Magnus broke completely into tears as Optimus hugged him tightly.
It was just adorable, honestly.

Knockout: "Uhm... okay, but I can babysit when the time comes?"

This glitch.

Soundwave slapped knockout, and the silent bot did two thumbs up to the trucks.
I jumped on Optimus's shoulder and licked Magnus's cheek plate to congratulate.

Starscream: "See? Told you that everything was going to be alright!"

Magnus: "Shut up, Starscream-"

Starscream: "COME ON!"

We were all laughing.
All of us.

I'm seriously just- wow-.
I looked at Ratchet and jumped on his desk.

Starscream: "What do you think?"

Ratchet looked at him and sighed, petting my helm.

Ratchet: "That this is just... incredible timing..."

Starscream: "Why?"

He looked at Wheeljack and Smokescreen, and as I looked at them too, I just now noticed that their tanks were slightly bigger than normal.

Starscream: "...Ratchet, no."

Ratchet: "...yes, yes it is."

Starscream: "They're sparked!?"

Ratchet: "Yep."

I looked up at him, trying to calculate the possibilities of all of this happening.

Ratchet: "Well... now that Magnus is Sparked and also is Smokescreen, both openly... my and Wheeljack's decision won't be that important."

Starscream: "So you deliberately tried? I see..."

He petted my helm again.

Ratchet: "Don't worry, it's fine... and me and Wheel are also building a new collar, and it should make you able to change from cat to bot, but I'm not sure it'll work."

I stared at the Medic, feeling a painful amount of sadness, but also a little of happiness and hope, but mostly sadness, almost despair.
I felt how little he thought of himself, so I placed a paw on his servo.

Starscream: "It's fine, I'm happy for you and Wheeljack, I hope I'll be able to babysit."

Ratchet: "Surely, and thanks."

Suddenly, a noise came from the main computer, and when Ratchet read the message on it, he gasped.
He turned and looked at us. We were all worried, but stayed silent.

Ratchet: "A message from Shockwave, he wants to talk to Knockout, Soundwave, and Starscream."

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