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With a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the day, Cassidy forcefully closed the door to her apartment, the sound echoing her frustration. She slipped off her shoes and placed them neatly beside the entrance, while her coat found its place on the hook. Navigating to the refrigerator, she carefully stowed away a leftover takeout box before her attention was snagged by a carton of milk out of place. Correcting its position with the label facing out, she shut the fridge door and shook off the distraction, sinking onto the couch. As the television flickered to life, her thoughts drifted back to her recent encounter with August.

His observation about her missing his touch lingered in her mind, a truth she couldn't deny. Among all her clients, he had held a special place. The rest were typically self-absorbed, their desires paramount. And that was understandable, for she was compensated precisely for that. Yet, August had been different. His taking was balanced with giving, ensuring her satisfaction as much as his own.

Every single nerve ending in her body tingled at the memory of being with him. After not having control for so long, she always strode for control in her life now. But with August, she was different. She was okay with him leading her, taking control over her. She liked letting him dominate her in every sense of the word. It gave her the control she craved. 

Part of her hated how much her body craved his, but the other part, the bigger part, knew it was necessary. That their connection was necessary for her. She needed the release she got with him. Not just sexually, but mentally too. Letting go in a way she couldn't in her normal life. But with him, she felt special, desired, safe even.

She closed her eyes, resting her head back on the couch as she slipped her hand into her pants. With trembling fingers, she fingered her swollen clit, eliciting a low moan from her throat. But the sensual sensations soon subsided when guilt crept into her mind. Here she was, thinking about August's touch and not the touch of her boyfriend.

She whimpered, ignoring the guilt, the wanting too much for her to care. Her hand rubbed her breasts through her blouse, her nipples tight with arousal. She stood up, undressing, leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor before taking her spot on the couch once more.

She propped her feet up on the coffee table, legs spread wide apart as she cupped her breasts. She moaned again as she stroked herself with her free hand, picturing August as she moved faster, fingers tugging on her nipple, stroking her folds, making her gasp...


The contractor watched Cassidy pleasuring herself on her couch as he pulled his aching cock from his pants. He pulled the pair of panties he had swiped and wrapped them around his cock as he stroked it.

His eyes devoured her petite form as she brought herself pleasure, enjoying the view. He groaned, his jaw tight as he watched her shove two fingers into her pussy and he stroked his shaft faster, desperate to bring himself off. He longed to touch her, to make her moan for him. And only him...

His balls tightened just as he heard her moan out August's name, her body trembling violently. With a shuddering cry, she came, collapsing on the couch as she kept her eyes closed.

"So fucking beautiful," he whispered, shooting his cum all over the panties wrapped around his cock. The smell of his cum mixed with the musky scent of Cassidy's panties enveloped him as he gazed at her on his screen. "Fuck," he muttered to himself, slamming the computer shut before picking up his phone...


Emerging from her post-orgasm fog, Cassidy's attention snapped to her work phone, its ring punctuating the air from where it lay on the floor. "Damn it." She muttered, shifting to a sitting position and rummaging through scattered clothes until her fingers finally located the device within her jeans. "Hello?" She answered, her tone a mix of curiosity and professionalism.

Candy - August Walker AU ❣️Where stories live. Discover now