Part 5

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I pushed past Tom and ran down the stairs and out the doors when Bill caught caught up with me, "heyy how- how was class" he panted out of breath "proper shit" I rolled my eyes "awww whyyy" responded bill "your brother spilt water all over the desk and completely ruined my work then just sat there when I was cleaning up his mess" I complained "oh that sucks" bill shrugged "you do live this way don't you?" I asked bill worried I was making him walk in the complete wrong direction "yeah yeah don't worry" "ah okay good" I laughed at how out of breath he still was. We walked for a little while and eventually got to my road when we realised we lived just a couple houses across from each other on opposite sides. 

My mum got home about half an hour after me and she'd also started a new job so we sat down and spoke about everything. My mum hated this one woman at her office for so many different reasons it's hard to count and I complained about Tom and how annoying he was. It was around 5 by the time we finished talking so my mum went to the kitchen to start dinner and I decided to go on a walk to try get to know the area a bit better, I ended up by some abandoned railway that was so scenic and gorgeous - slightly creepy but still gorgeous. It was now 5:30 so I made my way home, had dinner then went to sleep after a couple more hours just watching tv.

Hidden feelings / Tom Kaulitz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now