Part 8

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It was Tom, his girlfriend and some other lad. From what I could see Toms gf had cheated considering she was clinging onto the other guy and Tom looked upset. I slightly chuckled thinking about how he deserved it considering what he'd said to me a few minutes prior. Bill had got all the plasters on my arm so I git up to go knowing I'd go straight to A&E but as I walked past Tom and his girl she came over and yanked my hair slapping me round the face, I went to hit her back till I saw a huge bruise and lump on her head from where I had shoved her to the floor so I decided to leave her. I left the house desperate to sort my arm out since it was staring to hurt now and I'd got to the end of the road and I was now pulling up maps on my phone to find out where the A&E was when I heard someone running up behind me.

"Y/N" Tom shouted

"For fucks sake what do you want" I groaned

"I'm sorry"

"I can't be bothered to hear ur fake apology right now I've got better things to be doing" I snapped signalling to my arm

"Then your going the wrong way I'll show u"

"Fuck off"

"Y/N. Follow me and just let me talk... without cutting me off. Please" he pleaded 

"Fine what is it" I said running to catch up with him

"You know I didn't mean anything I said it kinda just came out I'm sorry and I didn't mean anything I said about you dad I'm sure he'd never leave you I was just being a bitch" he said looking down guilty

"Funny thing is he did leave" I tried to force a laugh

"I'm sorry" Tom repeated while wrapping his arm over my shoulder so I lent  into him, still walking.

"Probably not the best time but what happened with you and that girl" I asked trying to change the subject knowing I'd start crying but I started regretting asking straight after.

"She cheated" he replied

"Oh sorry" I replied awkwardly, he was so calm about it? I'd be ballistic 

"I didn't even like her I just got stuck in a relationship and I didn't wanna break up with her because I knew she's make my seem like a bad guy one way or's also why I never mentioned I was dating her"

"Then why did you get so pissed when I fought her" I asked confused 

"I was confused"


"Someone said you were fighting because you wanted to date me and I honestly thought you were gonna kill her" he tried to force a laugh

"Well i didn't even know u" I smiled

Tom just pulled me closer to him and I lent more into him since I was cold and honestly didn't think he'd ever be this...what's the word? Gentle? No. Caring? That works I guess. 

Hidden feelings / Tom Kaulitz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now