Part 6

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I woke up the next day to hear my mums car pulling out the drive so I stumbled over to the bathroom half awake and stared into the mirror till it dawned on me. MY MUM LEAVES AT 8:30 SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:40! IM GONNA BE SO LATE SHIT. I ran into my room and threw on some joggers a random shirt and a hoodie then ran back to the bathroom and did my makeup. By the time I was ready it was 8:50 so I decided to just skip first period since I was NOT walking in late again. When I got to school I snuck round to the back of the toilet n,ick and just sat down there, about ten minutes last when I heard someone running towards my hiding spot, I started to pack up my things when I realised it was a lad about the same age as me and he was completely out of breath.

"Budge over quick" he whispered 

"Now what the hell happened" I laughed

"Fucking cleaner runs faster than Usain Bolt" he said in a strong scouse accent 

"U from the uk" I questioned

"Yeah, u?" He replied

"Mhm, just moved here yesterday" I responded 

"You've got the strongest accent pissing hell" the boy said shocked

"You should hear my uncles. Anyway what's your name? I'm y/n"

"Jason. U've got a nice name btw" 

"U too" I smiled

We spoke for the rest of the remaining time before parting ways to our next lesson, apparently he was skiving for the exact same reason as me. My next lesson was history and I was partnered with Tom. Just my luck. Once the teacher set us all off on the task Tom was surprisingly quiet, I mean I was grateful he was but it was a bit odd I'd of assumed he would be taking the piss out of me right now but no he was just silent? That was until I burst out laughing at a photo I got sent by my friend when I checked my phone and I fell off my chair (in my defence the chair was really unstable) my phone slid under Toms chair so he grabbed it but saw the photo and also started laughing while helping me up off the floor. This outburst did get us both an after school  detention but it wasn't like I had anything to do tonight so...

I was sat with the band at lunch and we were all laughing at what happened in history with me and Tom when Jason called me over to his table, I told the boys I'd be back in a few minutes then ran over to Jason. When I get over to his table I felt eyes burning into my back so I turned round and saw Tom just staring at us? "So ur free tonight at 8?" Jason questioned "Huh what sorry I spaced out" I said awkwardly "There's a party at this address at 8 u and ur friends can come" he said passing me a note and pointing at the table "Okk thank youu" I smiled before running back to the band.

As I sat down I noticed Tom now had his head on the table and he seemed really tired? "What's up with u and him then y/n" Bill said excitedly "ignore him y/n he hasn't had many friends especially that are girls so he'll want to know everything about anyone you'll talk to" Georg sighed "thanks for the heads up but no all Jason wanted was to ask if we could go to a party at 8" I laughed "FUCK YES" bill shouted slamming his hands on the table causing Tom to lift his head up and mumble something before getting up and walking away. "What's going on with Tom? He was fine 5 minutes ago" Gustav said concerned "God knows" bill shrugged.

Hidden feelings / Tom Kaulitz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now