Part 19

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TOMS POV——————

Bill came up to my room and told me to go downstairs. Very sternly. I was kinda scared I won't lie, did I do something? I walked down cautiously honestly expecting a slap across the face but no. I just saw Y/N with her head on the kitchen counter. I just stood there, I didn't know what to say or do, being round her makes me nervous...

"Billll, Jason wants to get back with me i said no and now he's going on about how much of a slut I am and that I probably love Tom instead so I said yes and now he's so pissed I hate him" she groaned. She loves me? What the fuck do I say now. Shitt

I didn't respond

"Bill?" She lifted her head up and just stared at me. Shit do I say something? "O oh hi..Tom..." she smiled nervously.

"What's Jason saying" i asked, I didn't mean to say anything if I'm honest I just...said it? She passed me the phone and our hands touched, I wanted to smile but I didn't she was upset I'd seem rude if I did. I looked at the messages and well, she did say she loved me...damn.

"Fuck him I never like him anyways" I shrugged. I also silently prayed she wouldn't ask why.

"Yeah I don't blame you" she laughed

"What?" I asked pulling out a chair next to her

"He was bragging about how he beat your ass ages ago with some of his friends last week it was really annoying...sorry" shittt she knows. She doesn't hate me though so that's good

"Hey love birds" bill chirped popping up behind me, that's embarrassing. I punched him in the arm in return and he left while y/n burst into laughter

"What's so funny" I smiled

"You" "you get so embarrassed it's funny" she said in between laughs

Hidden feelings / Tom Kaulitz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now