Part 24

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I was lying in bed bored as fuck, the WiFi had gone out and so had the power so I couldn't even see, I went over to my window to see if any house on the street had power when I saw Tom walking down the road! I still had his hat I'd stolen from him earlier and I was bored so I threw on some shoes and shouted to my mum to let her know I'd be back in a little while behold  running out to him.

"TOMMM" I said panting, he'd got pretty far down the road since I saw him from my window

"HEYY" he yelled turning round to face me before noticing his hat on my head "How'd u have my hat" he said touching the top of his head to check fir his hat "and why's it not on my head"

"I took it earlier" I shrugged "it's been 2 hours how have you not noticed bloody hell" I laughed

"I'm not very observant" he crossed his arms as I put his hat back on his head 

"Never heard u admit ur not good at something" I laughed "where you going" I added

"No clue but the powers out and bills asleep so I just left" he shrugged

"Oh ok then we're going to the lake" I said grabbing his hand, I don't actually know how to get there considering I've only been there once when I was completely spaced out and wasn't paying attention to we're i was going, Tom probably knows though it's fine.

We'd been walking for about 20 minutes when we finally arrived at the lake it was even more gorgeous than the night I'd first been here. We both sat down on the bench and just laughed and talked, i lent on him again since I have plenty times before so I assumed it was alright but he tensed up?



"Ok I don't know how to say this but..."

What's he gonna do? I'm nervous right now ahh.


Y/n's just lent on me again, I love when she does i feel safer? I don't know if that makes sense. I lover her so much. Should I tell her? Bill said I should...I don't know what if she doesn't like me back and then it's really awkward. I tended up at the thought of not being friends with her anymore.

"Y/n" I said

"Yeah?" She replied 

"Ok I dont know how to say this but..." shit I've said it now. No going back. Oh fuckkkk.

"I really like you. Like not as a friend and I have for a while and i understand if you don't feel the same and-" 

Y/NS POV—————

"I really like you. Like not as a friend and I have for a while and i understand if you don't feel the same and-" Tom said. OMFG BILL WAS RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK OMD.

"Tom..." I said trying to work out what to say, how to say that I really like him too. He makes me nervous and I knew I'd say something wrong or that would come across the wrong way so I tried to plan it out in my head quickly but Tom got up and started walking off. Shit. How did I already fuck it up I never even got to say anything. I wanted to get up and run after him but I was just frozen, I couldn't get up. I'd just completely spaced out. By the time I'd processed what had just happened he was already long gone. I've just fucked up completely.

I scrambled round for my phone and straight away called Bill, when he hung up I just burst into tears.

"Hey y/n" he said sleepily

"Bill I've just completely fucked up" I said crying

"What did you do y/n" he said worried

"Tom I was. We were together and he told me he like he liked me a- and explained his feelings and then i said his- his name and then I wanted to say how I felt too and that I like him aswell but I- I- I paused so i could plan out what to say because I didn't wanna f- fuck up and say something that would come across wrong and then before I could say anything he got up and walked away and I wanted to run after him but I just couldn't like I was just stuck" 

"Oh y/n...I'll. I'll talk to him when he gets in I swear." Bill said sympathetically 

"He hates me" I shouted down the phone between sobs

"He loves you" bill replied 

"Dont lie" I mumbled

I heard a huge slam come through the phone, if I slammed a door that hard it would fall off I'm certain of it

"He's back I'll go talk to him" bill said hanging up

I threw my phone to the side and just sat there crying, I've never cried this much over a boy. I didn't even cry this much when my parents divorced...

Hidden feelings / Tom Kaulitz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now