A Veiny Hand

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"Dr. Nirvaani?" Nirvaani heard a concerned voice and she felt a shrug on her shoulders, she looked around but couldn't find the source of it,  "Dr Nirvaani?" the same voice repeated, Nirvaani slightly opened her eyes and closed them shut again as she rubbed them slightly with her fist adjusting to the bright daylight.
She slightly opened them back as she blinked twice to get a better vision, she looked up at the masculine figure. The face was pale white and his chestnut-brown eyes looked directly into hers.
"Dr Batra?" She asked sitting straight on the couch, she looked around the room, it was nothing but her cabin.

Abhishek looked at her in concern as he asked, "What are you doing here?" Nirvaani looked at the clock before replying as she yawned. "I guess I slept while working last night." She said as Abhishek looked at the dozen books scattered over the table, no wonder she was studying till late, "By the what are you doing here this early?" Nirvaani asked as she yawned again while standing up from the couch. "I forgot my phone here last night, I had some important personal business with it," Abhishek said as he showed her the phone. She glanced at it once as she started arranging the books on the table. "Let me help," Abhishek said as he started giving her one book after another as she arranged them.

After arranging the books nirvaani looked at her phone to find 7 missed calls from Roohi, she forgot that Roohi used to call her early in the morning to wake her up, she quickly called her back as Abhishek stood there doing something on his phone.
"MA'AM, you're late, I called you but didn't pick up any," Roohi shouted from the other end making Nirvaani's ears hurt. She took the phone away from her ears and spoke as she tried to calm Roohi down, "I'm at the hospital Roohi, sorry to make you worried."
Roohi looked at the time on her clock, "What are you doing at the hospital, it's 6?" She asked as she munched on her potato chips while turning off her Room's light. "I slept here." Replied Nirvaani as she glanced at Abhishek who was still busy on his phone.
"Oh, okay!" Roohi said extending the "ay" In okay.

They both hung up the call as Nirvaani looked at Abhishek while sliding her phone down into her purse, "You're going back home now?" She asked.
"No, I guess I'll just take a nap here." Abhishek looked up from his phone and then at the clock, "2 hours before my work starts, I've plenty of time to rest." He said, "What about you though? Are you going home?"
"No, I'll just get ready here and then sit back to work," Nirvaani said as she rested her back on the couch.
Abhishek looked at her in confusion, "Get ready here?" He asked.
"Oh right, you don't know about it," Nirvaani said walking towards her desk, "let me show you," She slightly pulled the door behind it, which didn't look like a door from any angle, it camouflaged so well with the wall that people could've mistaken it for the wall design.

Abhishek looked at Nirvaani pull the door in Awk as she walked inside. She slightly spoke Without turning behind, "You can come inside," As she walked further.
Abhishek followed her, on entering he looked around a full wardrobe that had nothing but business suits and White coats with Nirvaani's name badges already pinned over them. He then looked to the other side to find a bathroom that had almost everything from shampoo to body wash.
"You seem to spend way too many nights here." He said looking around. Nirvaani chucked as she walked outside followed by Abhishek. "Not too many, but quite often." She said as she waited for Abhishek to step out so she could lock the door.
"Damn," Abhishek said as he walked out leaving the door.

Nirvaani locked the door, as Abhishek walked towards the couch. "I'll leave now," He said as nirvaani nodded in response.

After he left Nirvaani called the receptionist to ask someone to send the black coffee to her cabin.
She walked inside her private area and locked the door from inside.


After getting ready in her hospital uniform while hovering a white coat above her dress, Nirvaani walked out of her cabin as she held the cup of her coffee in one hand and her phone in another. She had surgery in 15 minutes, and she was browsing on the internet about the following, although she knew everything about the procedure and the disease, she didn't want want to take any risk with the patient's life.

Her eyes were fixed on the phone as she walked and she sipped a bit of coffee from her cup.
She wasn't seeing where she was going as firstly it was very early in the morning, secondly not many were there in hospital and lastly she knew the corridors of her hospital keenly.
She was scrolling through the article when she mistakenly stepped on the oiled floor as her leg slipped making the coffee in her hand fall on the floor. Her back started to fall backwards, she knew there was no way she could stand back straight again on her own.

She closed her eyes ready to feel the pain in her back as she fell, she thought of the surgery which was for sure going to be delayed because of her stupidity.

But suddenly a veiny hand snatched hers and pulled her back upwards with a strike.
Nirvaani's eyes were still closed as she stood back straight. Her hand felt a slight pain as it was pulled suddenly, her nerve was probably stretched too, whereas her coat had got a slight stain of coffee.
It all happened in a fraction of a second that her eyes were closed for the next few.

She slightly opened her eyes looking at the broad-shouldered figure in front, she looked up to see the face, which was blocked by the broad daylight which hit them from the nearby window. As he moved backwards finally Nirvaani could see his emerald green eyes which shined like peridot in the sunlight.

"Saaransh sir," She mumbled under her breath as she looked at him in the eyes, they were so close that she could feel his breath hitting her face as they held hands. None of them moved for a while, like the time stopped for those few seconds, but that moment was not long. A loud noise of something falling, not knowing where, hit their ears as they both finally came back to reality.

Saaransh pulled back his hand as he separated far from Nirvaani while coughing. Nirvaani too let go of his hand as she adjusted her coat.

"Be careful," His voice was not the same as it was years before, back then his voice was cracky and hoarse like most of the teenage boys but now it was deep and more masculine.

Soon Saransh turned back leaving whereas nirvaani stood there staring at his walking figure, his broad back moved inside to outside as he walked, like the bird's wings scattered out and shrank closed as they flew in the broad sky.
That back could be only gained by heavy workouts, the same with veiny hands. She wondered how big a glow he had as he grew from a Teenage Nerdy guy to a handsome grown adult. Back then he looked like a walking stick, like someone who had never worked out in his entire life, his hands were small and thin but now... Everything had changed with time, his way of approaching people too. Although Nirvaani had met him only once still she could see a huge difference like they were two different people.

"There's no way he still remembers me"


A/n - tryna make it a habit of posting twice a week (Thursday and Sunday)

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