A Win Win Situation

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“So How are things going in your new house?” Nirvaani asked breaking the silence as they walked towards Abhishek's Cabin.
“Things are going well, although Maa doesn't like being alone when I'm at work.” Abhishek chatted. An old lady with no one around, Nirvaani could feel how bored she must be. Even her mother feels lonely when her dad is not around.
“That must be difficult for her.” Said Nirvaani. She was curious to know what was the thing with Abhishek's dad but stopped, she didn't want to dig much into his personal life.
“It is, her life was so colourful when papa was there.” Abhishek sighed.
“You know I was 8 when he died.” that was it, Nirvaani knew something was off about his father, she felt sorry for him. It was a genuine one, she couldn't even imagine living a life without one parent. She even felt sympathy for his mother, raising a child was itself a tough job but raising a child alone, it was a nightmare she could never imagine.
She wanted to help, but was there a way she could?

“I'm sorry” She said, genuineness visible in her voice. She was used to saying sorrys even when she didn't mean them, but this time it was genuine, she meant it with her whole heart. She was sorry for bringing up something serious at the start of his day, even though it was unintentional.

“No it's fine, I guess it was not the right moment to bring it up.” Abhishek smiled, still it was clearly visible in his eyes that he was not okay.
Nirvaani cursed herself thousands of times for asking such a dumb question and spoiling Abhishek’s mood.

“Dr. Batra I'm-'' Abhishek didn't let Nirvaani continue, “I already said it's alright, in fact I don't even remember his face clearly now. I'm thankful that you reminded me of him after all it had been a long time since I prayed for him.” He added, his cheerful personality hid plenty of pain. He might have forgotten it all but the scars never heal nor the place of someone close fills.

“Anyways, I'll take my leave now since we're at the cabin.” Abhishek smiled opening the door to his cabin. Nirvaani looked up at the glass door, there they were, she was soo lost in conversation that she didn't even notice they had already reached.
Still it was a lot of pressure to put on a single walk.

As she was about to leave a strange idea came into her mind, something that might help Abhishek.
“Uhm Dr. Batra,” She stoped him.
“What is it?” He asked politely with a subtle smile whike turning back.
“About your mom, I think I can do something.” Nirvaani smiled at the man, the smile was a praise to herself for coming up with something that could help his fellow Doctor, and not just a fellow doctor, someone she was close. It had only been 2 weeks but she was feeling it, the connection they had. Don't take it wrong, it was something she had with Karishma, Friendship! She was starting to feel the urge to help him till the extent there was nothing left for her to do.
She felt the same attachment she had with Karishma with Dr. Batra. She couldn't see him in pain.

“You remember Karishma?” Nirvaani asked.
“your friend that came that day, right?” Abhishek asked, he was not getting the relation between helping his mother and that lady.
“Yes,” Nirvaani continued. “Right now she's on maternity leave, and you know she keeps getting bored at home. Although my mother is there for her and they do get along well, I still feel that my mom can't give her enough time ans I think she can get along really well with your mother.” Nirvaani said.

Abhishek on hearing her advice thought for a second, it was a nice idea and a win win situation. Karishma would get rid of her boredom and his mother won't feel alone. But he wasn't sure, his mother was not someone easy to tackle, her panic attacks and anxiety could leave any person outstretched.

“But are you sure she'll be able to get along with my mother well?” Abhishek was concerned. He knew how difficult her mother could get to handle when something triggers her, in fact he himself took years to understand his mother and as a stranger it was going to be difficult for Karishma to get along with her.
“Trust me, Karishma is the most friendly, kind and cheerful person you'll ever meet. She can get along with anyone.” Nirvaani assured to which Abhishek nodded, he still had a fear in his mind but decided to still give it a try.

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