The Killing Silence

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"What do you mean, we lost all the data!?" Screamed Nirvaani through the phone, you all must have guessed by now,
she was talking to Roohi, her secretary.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I don't know how it's all blank, I guess the system was hacked, we're working on it, but-" Roohi sobbed from the other end, Nirvaani too was on the urge of crying on hearing her words, there was no way everything was going in vein. It must be some nightmare and she'll wake up back to reality.
Hacked? How was this even possible? She did use the best antivirus systems, and the security was also tight. How could someone hack their system so easily in fraction of seconds?

"But what Roohi?" Nirvaani asked furiously, she was trying not to take it out on Roohi but she couldn't control herself at the moment. That hospital was her dream, it was not just a hospital, it was her home, her workplace, her temple, her everything.

Roohi didn't speak a word, all Nirvaani could hear was the sobs from other end, she took a deep breath before saying, "I'm coming there ASAP, okay?" Nirvaani hung up the phone.
"It's alright Nirvaani, nothing will go wrong. You can't break." She tried consoling herself while looking at her reflection in the wall mirror.

She splashed her face with water, before getting out of the restroom and making her way to Adhyay, she tried her best to keep up with a smile on her face, she can't show her weakness in front of her business partner, not when the deal was not even signed, what if after hearing it he decides not to do the deal. No matter how good a person is, when it comes to finances no one take risks.

Nirvaani looked at Dr. Adhyay talking to that lady who was staring at them both before, Nirvaani faked a smile as she walked towards them.
"Oh Dr. Nirvaani, this is Aadhya" Adhyay introduced the lady.

Aadhya was shorter than Nirvaani, that's what made her cute with those shoulder length hair, she looked smaller than her age. And to be honest she was even prettier from near.
Aadhya greeted Nirvaani with a smile, her slightly thin lips made a half moon as she smiled and her smile could definitely calm a person in distress, also her voice was Cherry on the top. one could keep hearing that voice day and night and still won't get bored of it, it was so melodious that for a second Nirvaani thought she was a singer until Dr. Adhyay said she was a writer.

After the short conversation with them, Nirvaani quickly made her way outside the restaurant running to her car.
"To the hospital, Fast" Nirvaani panted.
The driver nodded in response as he started the car, driving it faster than the helicopter.
That speed to Nirvaani still looked slow as she wanted to be at the hospital as soon as she could be, and from what Roohi said Nirvaani was scared as hell.
Patient's data was the most confidential information for any hospital, and once it gets leaked it's almost over for the hospital.
all the efforts of 6 years she could see them falling as the hospital came nearer. With each metre covered she was praying to God for the well being of her hospital.

As they reached in Nirvaani stepped out of the car not caring about anyone or anything at the moment,

she ran inside her breaths fastening and she ran.
She slammed the glass door, walking straight to the administration office in second floor corner, the hospital was silent than usual  and that silence was sending shivers to Nirvaani

All the lights were turned off, it was all black inside, she could see no one near around, not a single soul revolved in that empty room.

"Where is everyone, What is happening" These questions were killing her from inside. With each step her heartbeat was fastening.
"Roohi?" She called out loud.

No response

"Is there anyone?"

No response

Nirvaani checked in her pocket for her phone, but she had left it in the car while hurrying inside. What was happening, why was everything going wrong? Where the hell was the staff? Where was ROOHI?

Nirvaani walked closer till the end of administrative office, but could still find no one she decided to go back to the car and bring her phone to call Roohi, but when she was about to go she heard the noise of something dropping in the store room,

"Who's there?" Nirvaani gulped while walking towards it, for some reason the light switches weren't working in that place no matter how many times she clicked them, she was left only with darkness.
Her steps were slow, unlike her heart beat.

"Who's there?"

No response

She had never experienced such silence in the office before, it was unlike usual, when you'll find employees walking here and there with bundles of papers round the room. Some will be attending calls, sone will be entering data in the computers, no matter what the administration room was never silent, even at nights you could hear the typing sounds of computers with people swearing at their tiring jobs.

But the silence was something that the room never knew what was, until now.

Nirvaani was almost at the door, her hand stretched out to open the knob. Her breaths slowed, but her heartbeat didn't.
She  prayed to God before closing her eyes and turning the knob to the right side and throwing the door dead open.


A/N - where will you find such a good person like me, I literally gave 2 updates in a single day
(although this one's quite small)

Now it's your turn to give me double votes!

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