The fashion cat

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Nirvaani woke up in the morning with a sore throat, it was not usual for her to get sick, but when she did… it was a nightmare.

She looked at the time tying her hair into a typical bun, that's what all the girls do as soon as they wake up don't they? her big forehead looked like an empty field in that whereas her face looked like a brown egg. 

"God, I should have come earlier yesterday." That's what excuse she was giving for not sleeping early and studying for 3 hours after she reached home at 11:00.

She checked the time on the wooden wall clock in her bedroom, yes! she had that old fashioned clock of her grandfather's time still hanging in her modern bedroom.

"6:30 I'm late but not much, the flight is at 8:00 , I can leave the house at around 7:30 if I wrap up quickly." Here she went again planning her day, before it had even started, such a planning freak.
She then did her short exercise session and a 10 minutes quick meditation before gargling and brushing her teeth. 

After a warm bath, which she could've skipped in such an early morning, she dried her wet hair, which she was not going to wash today but had to because of some dumb tall man who didn't even appreciate her efforts. 

"Nirvaani, Are you coming for Breakfast?" Mrs jain shouted from the kitchen that was on the ground floor. Guess, this was the reason every room had a telephone, when they were going to end up shouting each other's name from the opposite ends of that mansion. 

"I'm coming," Nirvaani shouted back, wasn't she the one whose idea it was for having those telephones so that her family could stop that shouting thing and act like sane beings. 

"Quickly, You can't be late to pick up my karu," Mrs jain shouted from the kitchen, wonder how they're voice boxed are still fine after shouting like this whole day. Also, look who was calling Karishma karu, did she ever call her own daughter Nirvu Or Niru? 

"Of course mamm," Nirvaani shouted back and folded her hands. "Guess all the love is for Avika and Karishma," She mumbled to herself. 

Avika wa Nirvaani's younger sister studying abroad, on Nirvaani's money of course.
She was such an extravagant girl, Nirvaani won't be shocked if that girl even Sold her house for those branded bags and not forgetting those fantasy romance novels, where the female lead gets kidnapped by some weird mafia who ends up falling for her, such a waste of money to feed delusions.

Nirvaani was although not against her spendings, afterall she was the one nirvaani was earning for. But there was something called money management, she didn't want her little sister to suffer in future because of her financial habits and especially not have those high unrealistic expectations for love.

After having breakfast with her family, Nirvaani quickly left for the airport. 

It was Sunday, but her work didn't stop there. After picking up Karishma first she had a meeting with funding people, then a surgery in noon and at last an evening meeting with Dr. Adhyay, she was quite nervous with the last one as he was a great doctor and she had heard a lot about him and his work. Although from what she knew, he was a friendly person and good with people, she had met him couple of times during her internship when he was his senior. She never had a good chat with him back then except for those little conversations before their combined surgeries.
He was like her mentor, the one she looked forward to when she was in trouble and the one who would give her the best advices.
Still, back then he was mot very successful, and from what she knew success changes people, Saaransh was a living example of it which was why she was nervous to meet Adhyay again.

"We're here ma'am,'' announced the driver, interrupting Nirvaani's overthinking.

"Oh, I didn't realise," She snapped back to the surroundings. 

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