Stronger than black coffee

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"Fast, Roohi!" Nirvaani said as her steps fastened towards the exit, "We can't be late," Roohi was struggling to walk as fast as Nirvaani, they had a meeting in 30 minutes and the destination was 15 minutes away, although they had enough time to reach, Nirvaani would still panic about being late.
"Ma'am," Some woman shouted from behind. Nirvaani closed her eyes as she took a deep breath while turning, she was already late and now this. "Yes, what is it, Akansha?" Nirvaani said trying to hide her frustration, though it was still visible on her face. "I wanted the list you took yesterday," Nirvaani looked at her in confusion, "what list?" She asked. "The neuro team's list," Akansha said, she looked in a hurry too, why won't she be she had to prepare IDs by today. "Oh, take that from my cabin." Nirvaani said as she hurriedly turned behind ready to leave, "sorry to interrupt you again ma'am" Akansha said again, this time with quite fear, she knew Nirvaani was in a hurry but she could do nothing as all the things were due today as it was the month end. Akansha started to ask her something related to salaries, Nirvaani tried to keep her calm as she kept looking at the clock while talking, it was enough time now she was left with 20 minutes, she could no more reach on time if she stayed there more. "Miss. Akansha I've to go right now, let's discuss it later," Nirvaani said as she turned back leaving the hospital at the speed of a cheetah followed by Roohi, She didn't care to look back or hear what akansha was saying anymore.


"What's wrong?" Dr Batra asked Akansha, looking at Nirvaani jog out of the hospital. "Ma'am was already late for the meeting, and I wasted her time even more, so now she's in a bit hurry." Akansha said as Abhishek looked at Nirvaani, "I see, a bit hurry," He mumbled sarcastically.
"Anyways I wanted to confirm my surgery time."


Nirvaani walked back inside the hospital tired after 3 meetings and an interview for an article in the newspaper about woman empowerment.
It was already 9 and she still had one last emergency surgery as the other surgeon had some emergency himself and now Nirvaani had no choice but to perform it herself cause no doctor was available on such short notice, such a big hospital and such a huge staff but no one to deal with the emergency, that that the owner herself was forced to do it.

Nirvaani had already sent Roohi home as it was late and past her work hours, although she got paid for it but Nirvaani didn't like the idea of keeping her till late, afterall she had her person life and personal matters to handle.

Nirvaani had 15 minutes till her surgery so she quickly went to change.
She tied her hair into a bun and wore her mask and gloves. She walked towards the Operation Theatre to find no one there, other doctors were in the changing room, some were gossiping about Bollywood and some were still getting ready.
Nirvaani leaned in the chair as she quickly drifted into sleep, which was not very long as she had just 5 minutes left till surgery.


After the 2 hours of surgery, Nirvaani had no energy to do anything else, her legs were sore whereas her eyes were red and heavy due to lack of sleep, she walked like a zombie towards her cabin, on her way she called her driver to not wait for her as she was going to spend the night in hospital.
As soon as she reached her cabin she threw herself in the warm coach before setting an alarm for 2 hours.
It took her less than 2 minutes to drift to sleep.

Her alarm rang after 2 hours making her wake up with a slight headache, she looked at the clock it was around 2 A.M.
She stretched her back as she walked towards her bathroom to wash her face. She was still sleepy but her meeting with Mr. Raghuvanshi was way more important than her sleep.

She turned on her laptop waiting for Mr Raghuvanshi to enter the meeting, it had been past 10 minutes since the meeting time, and her eyes were closing as she stared at the blank screen.
"Sorry due to some urgent work, we need to postpone this meeting
- Mr Vijay Raghuvanshi"
An email popped on her laptop making Nirvaani's eyes widen. She stared at the meeting screen because of which her one hour was wasted that too in the middle of the night when she could've been either studying or sleeping.

She glanced at the clock as it was already 2:30, there was no way she could drift back to sleep again after washing her face thrice with the cold water. She changed her clothes to comfy ones, as she decided to study.

"Send one black coffee with headache pills to my cabin," Nirvaani spoke through the telephone which was connected to the reception.
"Sure ma'am," the Receptionist said as nirvaani hung up the phone before leaning her head on the couch.


5 minutes later Nirvaani's short nap was broken by someone tapping on the door, she opened her eyes, one hand on her head and another on her lap, she turned her neck as she saw Saaransh on the door. Nirvaani rubbed her eyes twince assuring that she was seeing right. Doctor saaransh, at her cabin this late?

"Come in," She said as Saaransh entered her cabin, "what is it?" Nirvaani asked sitting straight.
"Receptionist asked me to bring you these." He said as he slid headache medicines out of his pocket, "She also asked me to bring you coffee, but the coffee machine was not working and there was no one around." He said as he was bowed and was about to leave, Nirvaani didn't like the fact that they sent a doctor that too a neurosurgeon to bring her medicine, it was not his job. They could've sent a ward boy or any nurse maybe.
"Uhm, Dr Saaransh!" Nirvaani said making Saaransh turn back. "Yes, ma'am?" He asked. "What are you doing here this late?" Nirvaani asked, though she didn't like jumping into people's personal life but she was way too much interested to know Saaransh more and also curious to know why Saaransh was still here even when his duty hours were only till 7 PM. "I was studying in my cabin," Saaransh said ready to leave again. Nirvaani was surprised to hear his words, she used to study till late but she never saw someone else do the same, Saaransh was passionate and hard working towards his profession, Nirvaani wanted more such doctors for her hospital although they way too difficult to find.

"Doctor Saransh!" She called again making Saaransh turn back, "Would you mind studying in my cabin, I'm studying too." Nirvaani said, "Also, it feels weird to study alone in this huge cabin." Nirvaani added, "Please?"
Saransh was not the kind of person who appreciated group studies not even in his college or school years. But still, Nirvaani was his Boss, even if it was just for a month. He also felt like he was not on good terms with her after the first meeting and it would've been really disrespectful if he said no.  He couldn't help but agree, after all you can't say no to owner of the company you're working in.

"Good, then bring your stuff, I'll clean up the table for you," Nirvaani said with a bright smile on her face, she was happy to finally have a chat with him, even if it was a small one. She wanted to know more about him, and by more she meant his college years, internship years, his family, everything, she wanted to be friends with him, she wanted him to remember her, if she met him again it could be nothing less than fate. It was stupid of her to think that but still she did, cause that teenage girl in her still had a huge crush on him.

His arrival was stronger than her black coffee to make her sleep go away like it was never there.


A/n - I tried my best to express thoughts and emotions better in this, hope it not cringe.

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