Part 1

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A 20 something year old man walked as he dragged his suitcase along the street, his suitcase making an uncomfortable noise with every step he took.

He glanced at his phone and up again, taking note of his surroundings, his feet suddenly went to a stand still once he was stood outside a house.

The man climbed up the stairs with difficulty as his suitcase was heavier than he's planned it to be, but he thankfully made it to the top in once piece.

He reached out to knock but the door opened before his hand could make contact, scaring the man.

"Hi, you must be Huang Renjun right?"

"Yes sir" replied Renjun, giving the man a big smile "nice to meet you!"

"Please come in" chuckled the older, as Renjun walked inside "I'm Kim Doyoung, the landlord"

"Thank you for letting me stay here" said Renjun, as he followed Doyoung up the stairs 

"Its no problem" said Doyoung "the others needed a new roommate after the other one left"


"So here we are!" Doyoung gestured to a white front door which had painted flowers on it "I hope they are in or else this won't be a nice welcome"

Doyoung unlocked the door, opening it wider for Renjun to go inside. The apartment was modern with a rustic feel to it, everywhere was spotless and tidy.

"Right, I'm so sorry to leave you like this" sighed Doyoung "but i had to go sort something out"

"Will you be ok?"

"Of course Doyoung hyung!" assured Renjun "thank you so much"

"Alright then" smiled Doyoung "have fun"

And with that, he was alone, or so he thought. Renjun sat down on  the sofa, his eyes wandering around when he heard a loud noise coming from a nearby room.

"Oh my god!" There was the sound of hurried footsteps before a man around the same age as Renjun came running into the room

"I am so sorry we weren't here to greet you" Renjun stood up and greeted the man with a smile, assuring him that it was fine

"Zhong Chenle, where are you?!"

"I'm in the shower, we've got plenty of time before they arrive!" called a voice back

"No you idiot, he is here now!!"

"What?!" There was a loud thud coming from the bathroom, the other boy rolled his eyes with a sigh before moving closer to Renjun.

"Hi I'm Jaemin" greeted the man "its so nice to meet you"

"Hey I'm Renjun" 

"That one in the shower, he's a menace i tell you" laughed Jaemin, as there were sounds of disagreement coming from the bathroom "there's only two of us"

"You mean three" the other housemate came out the bathroom just wearing a towel

"Oh my god Chenle, put some clothes on!" exclaimed Jaemin "we want him to stay"

"Shut up Na Jaemin" teased Chenle, giving Renjun a small wave before going into his room

"I swear-"

"I thought you were coming later" called Chenle, "sorry that we're not prepared"

"No you idiot" sighed Jaemin "i clearly told you he was coming at 5"

"No you didn't" said Chenle, from his room "you weren't there to greet him either"

"Yes I was!" exclaimed Jaemin "i was just listening to music and lost track of time"

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