Part 17

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[I'm going to update so many times that you're gonna be sick of me hahaha jk (im just trying to make up for forgetting to update before) ]

"This road trip has been both a success and a failure" laughed Donghyuck, as Renjun was sleeping on the bed beside him "at least nobody got hurt"

"What do you mean a failure?" laughed Chenle "it was a successful road trip"

"But we had no final destination" said Jeno "it was just a random direction"

"Just say you hate us and go" teased Donghyuck "actually just go, its very late"

"Alright lover boy" chuckled Mark, as the others walked away "see you later"

"Lover boy?" whispered Donghyuck, as he looked at Renjun "he's so cute"

Renjun stirred suddenly, his face distorted into an uncomfortable look. Donghyuck immediately started running his fingers through Renjun's hair, something the other found comforting.

"I'm here Renjunnie" whispered Donghyuck "don't worry"


"Can i please share with you guys" begged Jisung, as he stopped outside Jaemin and Chenle's room "I don't want to be with the couple"

"Sorry, i would say yes" started Chenle "but there is only two beds"

"I don't care!" exclaimed Jisung "I can sleep on the floor"

"That's uncomfortable though" said Jaemin "i don't want you to lose sleep"

"I barely sleep on a normal day" chuckled Jisung "i have insomnia"

"Oh no" said Chenle, looking at Jisung with concerned eyes "do you have medication?"

"I do" sighed Jisung "but it doesn't work very well"

"Its ok, having little to no sleep doesn't affect me"

"Its bad for your health though" said Jaemin "sleeping is vital"

"You sound like my mum" chuckled Jisung "she's always worrying about me"

"I'll tell you what" said Chenle "i have these sleep drops, you can use it if you want?"

"Thank you" said Jisung "I'll give it a try"

"Cool" said Jaemin "me and lele could share a bed"

"I can sleep on the floor" said Jisung "i couldn't impose"

"Nope" assured Chenle "please just take then bed or go to the couple room"

"Ok thank you!" exclaimed Jisung, quickly going into the room "i will take what is given to me"

"Good choice" chuckled Jaemin "good night guys!"

"If it was my decision" whispered Chenle "Jaemin could have shared with the couple"

"Exactly" agreed Jisung "i can tell they like him"

"Don't think i can't hear you guys whispering" called Jaemin "im trying to sleep"

"Then its good that you heard it" teased Chenle "stop being an idiot"

"They don't like me like that" exclaimed Jaemin "please don't put ideas into my head"

"Oh minnie" sighed Chenle, sitting up "don't let your love issues, get in the way"

"I don't have love issues" scoffed Jaemin "what are you talking about?"

"Jaemin I've known you since i was 5" said Chenle "stop it"

"Ok lets not talk about our issues" said Jaemin "we should just sleep"

"Sure thing" said Chenle "but we will talk about it another time"

"Of course we will" laughed Jaemin "good night guys"

"I'll make sure of it" assured Chenle "one hundred percent"

"Oh i will"

"You guys are fun" chuckled Jisung "night!"

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