Part 13

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"Why the fuck did I agree to this?" 

It was 7am, Renjun was watching from the front garden as Jaemin and Chenle struggled to pull their bags down the stairs.

"Why, oh, why"

"Oh come on Renjun, it'll be fun!!" exclaimed Chenle, stopping at the bottom of the stairs "we'll never get a chance like this again"

"Chenle, fuck you and your suitcase!!!"

"Whoops" Chenle turned to Jaemin who was now laying on the floor "sorry Jaem, my suitcase is a bit of a bitch"

"Chenle, your suitcase wasn't the one who stopped on the stairs" scoffed Renjun "its basically your fault"

"Shut up Renjun" said Chenle, glaring at Renjun "you suck"

"Heyy guysss" exclaimed Jeno, as he and their friends appeared in the front garden "what's up?"

"Everything's good" sighed Jaemin "Chenle's suitcase made me fall"

"What?" asked Mark, looking at Jaemin with concern "are you ok?"

"He's fine" said Chenle, crossing his arms "well I think so, Jaemin how many fingers am I holding up?"

"I am clearly not concussed" scoffed Jaemin "please move your fingers from my face"

"Jaemin, stop" exclaimed Chenle "im fucking trying to figure out if you're concussed"

"I'm not fucking concussed" yelled Jaemin, pushing Chenle away "I just fell"

"So which one of you can drive?" asked Renjun, chuckling at his friends "because none of us can"

"They literally told us they can" said Chenle "why would they lie?"

"Unless they're trying to impress someone!" exclaimed Jaemin "oh my god I would totally understand"

"Oh we can drive" chuckled Donghyuck "we all took the test on the same day"

"Now that is friendship goals" agreed Chenle "so who's car are we going in?"

"We can't all fit in one car" said Renjun "someone would have to sit one some-"

"Renjun will be the one to sit" interrupted Jaemin, as Renjun glared at him "don't even argue"

"Actually we have a seven seater" said Mark, running his fingers through his hair "so there's no need"

"Oh that sucks for you Junnie" sighed Chenle "so have you got everything guys?"

"But wait where are we going to put our suitcases?" asked Jisung "if we have seats in the boot?"

"Oh good point" said Mark "I guess that's why we brought two cars"

"We'll be spilt in two groups" explained Donghyuck "three and four" 

"Let's play rock paper scissors and whoever plays the same hand" said Jeno "will be together"

"Ok sounds good!" exclaimed Chenle "ready, set, go!"

Mark, Jeno and Jaemin played rock

Renjun, Donghyuck, Chenle and Jisung played scissors

"Oh no, Jaemin's third wheeling" teased Renjun "good luck Minnie"

"Do you want to swap Minnie?" asked Chenle, "I third wheel pretty well"

"Nah, I'll be fine" said Jaemin "it won't be as loud"

"Alright if you say so" said Renjun "don't come crying to us because you're third wheeling"

"Shut the fuck up" scoffed Jaemin, rolling his eyes "I'll be glad to be away from those two"

"You love us really" exclaimed Chenle, as they went towards the cars "don't pretend like you won't miss us"

"Oh I won't!" called Jaemin, waving at the two "don't count on it"

"You fucker"

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