Part 4

74 3 6

Hii sorry for not updating in ages, alot has happened and i did temporary forget haha. anyway, i will update more :)


"Today is the day" Renjun stood in front of the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. "today we are dancing in front of the whole school"

"We can do this and my plan will work!"


"Don't be nervous, just dance"

"Huang Renjun where are you?"


The bathroom door slammed open, scaring Renjun as he looked at Chenle who had a worried look on his face.

"He's in here Jaemin!" called Chenle, leaning on the wall "you can stop worrying now"

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Jaemin, running into the bathroom to hug Renjun "i thought you disappeared cause we're dancing today"

"Nah, i'm just a bit nervous but im fine" laughed Renjun, patting Jaemin's back "how are you guys feeling?"

"I'm absolutely fucking pissing myself" said Chenle "but i'm good"

"I just threw up cause i'm nervous" said Jaemin, smiling big "but i am fine"

"You what?!" exclaimed Chenle "where the fuck did you throw up?"

"In my bin?" said Jaemin "its not important"

"It must be cause you told us" said Chenle "do you want to get out of performing?"

"No" said Jaemin "i was simply telling you how i felt"

"Uh huh" said Chenle "i guess its just you and me renjun"

"I never said i wo-"

"Guys, calm down" chuckled Renjun "everything will be fine"

"Yeah Chenle" scoffed Jaemin "stop being annoying"

"I think you're mistaken" said Chenle "you're the annoying one"

"Come on" said Renjun "we have to get there or we'll be late"

"Let's do this!!"


"Now, the next act in the show is a trio called RenMinLe performing Do not touch by MiSaMo!" 

The three walked on stage to the sound of cheering and clapping, they went to their positions and saw their neighbours sitting in the audience.

The three nodded at each other before the music started. They have been practicing for weeks, practicing day and night in their house. They meant business and once they had thought of a plan, they would fulfil it to their full ability.


"Well done to all of our participants, you were all amazing!!" RenMinLe were on the stage, along with the other participants, as they were waiting for the mc to announce the winners.

"Now third place goes to Dahyun and Chaeyoung performing Switch to me!"

The crowd clapped loudly as the two photography majors walked towards the front to accept the prize. They smiled at the crowd before returning beside RenMinLe, the trio congratulating them.

"Second place goes to Dreamies performing Broken Melodies!!" 

The crowd went silent. The Dreamies always won every year, nobody could beat them but somehow someone or something beat them.

The Dreamies walked towards the front with big smiles on their faces, they didn't seem shocked at all. They were happy either way as they had enjoyed performing anyway.

"And now first place goes to....... RenMinLe with Do Not Touch!!"

The three looked at each other with shocked looks on their faces. "We won?" said Jaemin, frowning "that isn't possible"

"RenMinLe, will you come up here?"

Jaemin and Renjun were stood frozen in shock so Chenle was the one who dragged them towards the front, as the crowd yelled loudly.

"Congratulations RenMinLe!!" The mc handed Jaemin the award and Chenle the microphone. "What would you like to say?"

"Well we never expected to win" laughed Chenle "thank you for your support we really appreciate it"

"That is it for this years variety show! thank you all for coming, see you next time"


"Wow, that was crazy" The trio were sitting on a bench near the stage with cans of beer and the award by their side.

"How the fuck did we win?!" exclaimed Chenle, looking at the award "like the other's performance was brilliant, all we did was dance"

"But i guess everyone is a Twice fan" laughed Jaemin "and nothing is wrong with that"

"I know that" said Chenle "but like the Dreamies are like really popular"

"Hey, don't doubt yourselves" said Renjun "i know it was a shock but we were amazing"

"Took the words out of our mouths" The sudden voice shocked the group, Renjun turned and saw the Dreamies behind them.

"Hi, you guys were so good!" said Jeno, a bright smile on his face "you deserved to win"

"Ok but don't you guys always win?" asked Jaemin, raising an eyebrow

"Nah" laughed Mark "anyway, i don't think we've met. I'm Mark, this is Jeno, Jisung and Haechan"

"No offence but we kinda already knew" laughed Chenle "you guys are pretty popular and you do live across the road from us"

"Oh my god yes!" said Jisung "you're Chenle and Jaemin right?"

"Well I'd be disappointed if you didn't know out names since you like to water balloon out house" scoffed Jaemin "but yes"

"Oh and this is Renjun" said Chenle "he's our new housemate"

"Hi" Renjun gave them a big smile as he made eye contact with each Dreamies, his eyes seeming to stay on Haechan's as they said hello 


"Wait, did you say we always water balloon your house?" exclaimed Jeno "we've never done that"

"What are you talking about?" said Jaemin "i've literally seen you guys throw them"

"Its not us" said Mark, crossing his arms "its probably next door from us, the couple who lives there have annoying kids"

"Uh huh" said Chenle "as if we're going to believe that a bunch of children can accurately throw water balloons at us from across the fucking road"

"Exactly" agreed Jaemin "that's some bullshit"

"No literally they did" said Jeno "they are so misbehaving and always do whatever they want"

"So, do you guys want to go have dinner together?" asked Haechan, his eyes still on Renjun "we can get to know each other"

"Sure" said Jaemin "i'm down"


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