Part 27

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"Soo guys, I have great news!" exclaimed Jaemin, as he walked into the living room "my brother is coming to visit"

"Oh god" sighed Chenle and Doyoung, as Renjun and Yangyang looked at them with confused looks on their faces "not him"

"What's wrong with his brother coming?" asked Yangyang "he sounds like a fun person"

"He literally set the kitchen on fire, broke most furniture also Jaemin and Chenle's phones" scoffed Doyoung "he is forever banned"

"Well he will be here in five minutes" said Jaemin "sorry, he was very determined to come"

"I'll get the fire extinguisher ready" said Doyoung "and get the phone ready to call the ambulance"

Knock knock

"Haha very funny" chuckled Jaemin, running towards the front door "He's here!"

"Minnie!" yelled Jaemin's brother "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Yuta" cried Jaemin "how have you been?"

"I've been good!" said Yuta "I am not a qualified doctor"

"So now we don't have to go to the hospital if someone breaks a bone" teased Chenle "nice to see you again Yuta"

"Ah Chenle how's the phone?" asked Yuta "it was crazy how it flew out the window"

"Crazy as it was you who did that" scoffed Chenle "I'm just glad you paid for it"

"I used my dad's credit card" said Yuta "its the least he could do since he's an asshole"

"How did you-?"

"He gave it to me" said Yuta "he wanted me to buy something for his mistress"

"Hello I'm Yuta"

"Oh this is Renjun and Yangyang" said Jaemin "they're my roommates"

"Hellooooo, do you guys wanna go to go to the festival?" Their friend's voice's filled the room, Yuta turning to face them with a smile on his face "Oh, are we interrupting something?"

"and who are they?"

"These are our friends from across the road" laughed Jaemin "that's Jeno, Mark, Jisung and Donghyuck who is Renjun's boyfriend"

"Ah I see" said Yuta "nice to meet you"

"Likewise" chuckled Mark "we've heard a lot about you"

"Only good things I hope" chuckled Yuta "not like the lies that Doyoung likes to spread"

"Excuse me" scoffed Doyoung "you really did do those things asshole"

"Our kitchen still hasn't recovered!"

"It looks fine to me" chuckled Yuta "you're just being dramatic"

"Fine but as long as you are here" said Doyoung "do not go near the kitchen"

"Oh please Jaemin and Chenle are the ones who need to be watched" said Yuta "last time I was here they-"

"Alright let's not talk about that" said Jaemin, interrupting Yuta "why don't we get something to eat?"

"Oh? you don't want Doyoung to know?" teased Yuta "I like this power"

"Oh please I know everything you guys got up to" laughed Doyoung "you can't keep secrets from me"

"Oh believe me" said Yuta "you don't know"

"Did you do something dangerous?" 

"Did you break the law?"

"Oh my god" exclaimed Jisung "did you wreck the house?"

"Don't you dare tell them" threatened Jaemin, as he and Chenle glared at Yuta "I'm not kidding"

"Then I guess you'll never know" laughed Yuta "also here is a hint: its not that bad"

"That doesn't make me feel better" said Doyoung "well make sure you don't do it again"

"How will you know we will do it again?" teased Chenle "we might have done it again without you knowing"

"If you did, I will kick you out then" teased Doyoung "he isn't a good influence for you lot"

"At least I'm fun" scoffed Yuta "and that I'm not oblivious unlike you"

"I am not oblivious" said Doyoung "how am I oblivious?!"

"Even we can see it" said Chenle "its kinda sad"

"What am I missing?!" exclaimed Doyoung "I know a lot of things"

"What about your feelings?" asked Yuta "are you in touch with them?"

"No offence Yuta but after you nearly burnt down my house" started Doyoung "im not interested in you"

"I'm taken" said Yuta "and im not talking about you and me"

"Who else would you be talking about?" asked Doyoung "you're not making any sense"

"So, what about that festival you talked about earlier?" 

"Avoiding the question" teased Yuta, crossing his arms "fine, let's play this game"

"Its on our campus" said Jeno "its for the universities 30th anniversary"

"an anniversary?" said Yuta "speaking of anniversaries"

"Minnie, do you have a boyfriend?" 

"I already have my hands full will Chenle" said Jaemin "so no"

"Excuse me" scoffed Chenle "I don't need looking after"

"We've both been through a lot" said Jaemin "so I'd say you do"

"Now, let's go to the festival" said Doyoung "the longer I have Yuta out of my house, the better"

"That's just rude Doie"

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