Part 21

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"I'm back!!" Renjun burst into the apartment holding a bouquet of flowers and a big smile on his face "who's he?"

"He is our new housemate" said Jaemin, rolling his eyes "where have you been?"

"Donghyuck asked me out" said Renjun "we kissed and went on a date"

"That was quick!" exclaimed Chenle "that man doesn't like to wait"

"Congrats Junnie" teased Jaemin "you must be so happy"

"I am" sighed Renjun "he's so sweet and kind"

"Aww" cooed Chenle "ugh i feel so single"

"Hi I'm Yangyang" said the man "nice to meet you"

"Ah, you're Jaemin's new roommate?" asked Renjun "lovely to meet you"

"I'm excited to live here" cheered Yangyang "you are such lovely people"

"Thank you, so are you" said Chenle "and i think you and Jaemin will make great roommates"

"I have one question though: do you like cats?"

"I love cats" said Yangyang "and dogs too!"

"Then we will definitely get along" cheered Jaemin "follow me, my cat's called Nana"

"Oh my gosh please do!"

"Sorry i wasn't here to help" sighed Renjun "was it hard to chose?"

"Nope" laughed Chenle "he was the best applicant"

"Ah i see" said Renjun "i'm glad you were able to decide"

"Me too" said Doyoung "i was starting to be doubtful if we'd find one"

"Especially after a couple of them indirectly insulted us"

"Wow that's crazy" said Renjun "i hope you showed them the door"

"Oh i would have punched them if it wasn't for Jaemin and Chenle" said Doyoung "they quickly escorted them out"

"I would have thought they would have gotten more annoyed" said Renjun "Especially Chenle"

"They were pretty calm" chuckled Doyoung "surprisingly"

"No Nana, don't break that!"

"Well this will be an interesting outcome" sighed Renjun, as they looked at Jaemin and Yangyang's room where the loud crashing noises were from "i just hope our house doesn't get destroyed"

"Fingers crossed"


Hiii i hope it wasn't too early for Renhyuck to get together *plz let me know your opinion!!*  <333

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