Part 30

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"Today is the day!" 

"Everyone get up, get ready, today is the day!!!!"

Renjun and Chenle walked into the living room/ kitchen area, not expecting to see Jaemin enthusiastically cheering, while Yangyang were sat on the sofa with Nana on his lap.

"Finally you're up!" exclaimed Jaemin "class starts in 30 minutes"

"Why are you so enthusiastic Minnie?" asked Renjun, glaring at Jaemin "its literally 8:00 in the morning"

"I see that you are unaware of the reason" sighed Chenle, leaning on Jaemin's shoulder "today is Jaemin's favourite day"

"Halloween is Jaemin's favourite day?" asked Yangyang "that's cute"

"Why is it your favourite day?" 

"We used to go trick of treating ever since we met" said Jaemin "it helped me be happy when I was sad"

"I thought it was because your dad got punched on that day" said Chenle "I guess I was wrong"

"No you're not wrong" said Jaemin "that's the reason also"

"So, what are you guys going to dress up as?"

"I don't usually dress up if I'm honest" said Renjun "I just like to stay in and watch horror films"

Jaemin turned to Yangyang with hopeful eyes, as he awaited Yangyang's answer. "I just dress up and stay in my house"

"Oh"  A disappointed look formed on his face which he quickly tried to cover it over with a smile

"Hey, we are university students now" said Chenle "we should go to a halloween party"

"But I want to go trick or treating" cried Jaemin "it's our tradition!"

"Oh we will still go trick or treating" said Chenle "we are going to do everything"

"And now that's sorted, why don't we get you sorted with costumes?"

"I can't tell what you're supposed to be" asked Renjun, "what's your costume?"

"I'm Rose" said Jaemin, picking up an inflatable man "and this is Jack"

"Chenle didn't want to be my Jack"

"but I know two people who'd want to be your Jack" teased Chenle "and I know they will never let you go"

Jaemin raised an eyebrow at Chenle "so what should your costumes be?" sighed Jaemin "we could all dress up as romantic movies"

"Like twilight!"

"I am not dressing up as Bella" said Renjun "I'd rather be a Smurf"

"That can be arranged" teased Yangyang "what would Hyuckie say?"

"We could do the notebook" said Chenle "or mean girls"

"Mean girls isn't a romance" said Renjun "and Jaemin already has a costume"

"I could change" said Jaemin "me and Chenle always do a duo costume"

"Wait I have an idea"

"Why am I worried?"


"Oh my god, you look adorable!" The friends walked down the stairs to their front porch, where their friends were waiting. "Junnie, I want to give you a big hug"

"Whose idea was it for you to dress up like the Teletubbies?" asked Jisung, as the Teletubbies looked at Jaemin "ah I see"

"What's wrong with it?" asked Jaemin, a pout on his face "its a fun costume"

"I think it's cute" said Jeno, smiling at Jaemin as Mark nodded in agreement "don't listen to them Minnie"

"Well it's too late to change anyway" said Jaemin, linking his arm with Chenle's  "let's go trick or treating!"

As the two ran ahead, Mark and Jeno's eyes were still on Jaemin with smile son their faces. "You are so whipped" said Renjun, raising an eyebrow at the couple "its so obvious that you like Jaemin"

"W-what?" stammered Mark, his cheeks turning red "its not obvious"

"Yes it is" called Jisung and Donghyuck "even a complete stranger could tell"

"We're not- right?" asked Jeno, looking at Mark who shrugged "ok maybe it is very obvious"

"So are you going to do something about it?" asked Renjun "because some of us are tired of the loving stares"

"Alright so it is obvious" said Mark "this is-"

"Are you guys coming or what?!" interrupted Jaemin "we have two or three hours until the party and I will not miss this trick or treating time"

"So let's go!"

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