Part 28

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"Oh there are arcade games!!" squealed Jaemin, as they walked into the festival "if you lose me, you'll find me there"

"But Jaemin you suck at arcade games" sighed Yuta, "remember last time? You got disappointed and cried for hours"

"N-no i didn't" stammered Jaemin, his cheeks turning red "i was just sad because i really wanted to win that cat plush"

"Please promise me you won't be disappointed this time?" asked Yuta "i don't like seeing you cry again, it hurt my heart"

"I promise i won't" sighed Jaemin "I'll b- oh my god"

The friends turned around, only to see the man that broke Jaemin's heart a couple of weeks ago.

"Oh for fucks sake" scoffed Renjun, rolling his eyes "why is that asshole here?"

"Its fine" said Jaemin "I'm over him. Anyway, I'm going to go to the arcade games now"

"Minnie" called Chenle, as Jaemin walked away quickly "Oh i feel so bad for him"

"Who is that guy and why does my brother look so heartbroken?" asked Yuta, his eyebrow raised

"Jaemin had a big crush on him but he broke his heart" sighed Yangyang "he stayed in his room for like days"

"Alright then" said Yuta, rolling up his sleeves "I'll see you later"

"Woah there" said Doyoung, rolling Yuta's sleeves down "as much as he deserves it, you can't just hit him"

"I can and I will" said Yuta "don't you think my brother has suffered enough?"

"Yes but you might go to jail" said Renjun "and then everything that happened wouldn't be worth it"

"I'd say otherwise" scoffed Yuta "that guy deserves it"

"Hey, we'll go and check on Jaem" said Mark, holding Jeno's hand "to make sure he's ok"

"Good luck with yuta hyung!"

"Hey Mark and Jeno Lee! You can't just leave like that you assholes" yelled Chenle, as the couple walked away

"Are you two dating?" asked Yuta, his eyes landing on Renhyuck

"They literally showed affection infront of you" scoffed Doyoung "what do you mean?"

"Shut the fuck up" said Yuta "you guys can go and enjoy the funfair. You two as well, go on!"

"Oh we're not-" Chenji glanced at each other as their cheeks turned bright red

"Why are you sending them all away?" asked Doyoung "is this because you know im not strong enough to stop you?"

"Exactly" teased Yuta "now i better go and beat that-"

"Hold it right there Nakamoto Yuta" Yuta turned round to see Jaehyun standing there with his arms crossed "you are not going anywhere"

"Oh come on Jung Jaehyun!" exclaimed Yuta, rolling his eyes "you seriously brought him?"

"Of course" said Doyoung "he's stronger than you"

"Fine fine" sighed Yuta "i promise not to hurt the asshole"

"Good" said Doyoung "could you get me some popcorn? Im starving"

"No" said Yuta "you have your own money"

"I'm going to walk around, see you!"

"Come back here you asshole!" yelled Doyoung, as he and Jaehyun ran after him


"You really do suck at this don't you?" Jaemin tried to ignore the voice of his ex crush who was standing next to hin, but his eyes secretly wandered to his figure without fault.

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