Part 3

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"Guys guess what I saw?!" exclaimed Renjun, as he met Jaemin and Chenle at the cafeteria.

"No hello Jaem and Le?" teased Chenle, raising an eyebrow "no how was class?"

"Class was good" said Renjun "now can i tell about what i saw??"

"Alright then" chuckled Jaemin "you look like you're about to explode"

"There's going to be a talent show!" exclaimed Renjun, slamming the flyer down on the table "we should totally sign up!"

"You what?!" said Jaemin "and make total fools of ourselves?"

"No we won't" assured Renjun "and it'll be our chance to get them to notice us!"

"How can we compare to them playing in their band?" asked Chenle "i may do music for my degree but i'm not so sure about you guys"

"We can do a dance!" said Renjun "a difficult one to show them we mean buisness"

"And remind me again why we want to talk to them?" asked Jaemin "they're assholes"

"To stop this stupid feud duh" said Renjun, taking out his notebook and pen "now lets make a list of what songs to do"

"Wow, you've only just started and you're already working on bringing people together" laughed Chenle "you are a hard working man"

"What can i say?" teased Renjun, writing the list "i've brought people together because i ended feuds"

"So you know what you're doing" said Jaemin "let's see what will happen"

"Well i've found the perfect song!" exclaimed Renjun, lifting the paper up 

"Are you sure?" asked Jaemin, his eyes fixed on the paper "it might be difficult because there are only three of us"

"Sounds like a challenge" said Chenle "are you sure we can do it?"

"Let's do it!"


"What are you guys doing?" Doyoung appeared by the door, scaring the three

"We're practicing our dance for the talent show" explained Renjun "wanna join?"

"No, my dancing days are gone" laughed Doyoung "i'll just watch from the crowd"

"What made you guys want to join the talent show?" 

"Go on Renjunnie" teased Chenle "it was your idea"

"We're doing the dance to get our neighbour's attention and stop us fighting" said Renjun "because let's be honest its not between us"

"And Doyoung hyung, I think there is more to the feud than you think"

"Uh huh?" grinned Doyoung, sitting down on the moved soft "how so?"

"I think you and Jaehyun hyung are not in love with Taeyong" started Renjun "but you're in love with each other"

"Wow, you're like a certified love expert" said Jaemin "what gave you that conclusion?"

"Well i can tell cause if you really hated each other" said Renjun "then why are you still living across from each other?"

"Oh that's a good point" 

"Is it wrong?" asked Renjun "please don't kick me out"

"You're not wrong" sighed Doyoung "don't worry i'm not gonna kick you out"

"These two need you to keep them in line"

"No we don't!"

"But hold on" said Renjun "if you're in love with each other, why does Jaehyun hyung's residents throw water balloons at our house?"

"Maybe they fancy you guys" started Doyoung "and that's the only way to get your attention"

"What?!" exclaimed Chenle "that's stupid"

"Yeah, why would i ever be with those assholes?" scoffed Jaemin, rolling his eyes "especially when they had a massive party on valentines day and i was trying to study"

"Ugh that was so annoying" agreed Chenle "we could barely sleep"

"So how do you plan to end the feud between the residents?" asked Doyoung, chuckling at Jaemin and Chenle's reactions

"You'll see" grinned Renjun "it'll be amazing"

"Why am i scared?"

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