Part 29

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[hiii so I changed the story title because I felt as though it didn't work with the story as well so I hope the new title is ok??? anyway, I hope you enjoy this new chapter and have a lovely day!!! Thank you for reading <3]

"Soo what do you want to do first?" Chenle and Jisung were stood in the middle of a crowd, their hands touching subconsciously as their eyes were wandering around the place.

"Hey, I see a funhouse" asked Chenle, glancing at Jisung "wanna go?"

"Sure" chuckled Jisung, as Chenle grabbed his hand and ran towards the funhouse "slow down, its not going anywhere"

"Shut up!" teased Chenle "I want to at least have a chance to go in before the line gets too long"

"Its not that- oh I see" chuckled Jisung, as they joined the small but growing line "what exactly entails in a funhouse?"

"What you've never been in a funhouse before?" exclaimed Chenle, his eyes widening with excitement "oh you are going to love this Sungie"

"I hope so" laughed Jisung "I heard you can get lost in funhouses"

"Don't worry, I'll hold your hand" teased Chenle, holding Jisung's hand tightly "it'll be fine"

Jisung's cheeks turned bright red as he felt Chenle's hands intertwined with his. His heart beat went faster with every second their hands were together, a smile slowly forming on their faces.

"We're next!" exclaimed Chenle, squeezing Jisung's hand "I'm so excited"

"Enjoy the funhouse" said the operator "stay safe"

"Come on Sungie!"


"Hyuckie you really didn't have to win me so many plushies" Renjun and Donghyuck were sitting at a picnic table, and next to Renjun there were a small pile of prizes that Donghyuck had won for his boyfriend. "one would have been enough"

"Junnie, for you" started Donghyuck "I would have won you all of the prizes just to see you smile"

"Well can I atleast win one for you?" asked Renjun, as the couple shared a cup of lemonade "so I'm not the only one with plushies"

"Fine Junnie" said Donghyuck, leaning in to kiss Renjun's forehead "what ever will make you happy"

"Yay!" cheered Renjun "so could you please get me another hot dog then?"

"Why?" chuckled Donghyuck "I thought you already had yours?"

"I know but I'm still hungry" sighed Renjun "and I didn't have lunch"

"Junnie, why didn't you have lunch" said Donghyuck "how many times do I have to remind you to not skip meals?"

"I'm sorry" said Renjun, a pout forming on his lips "I was too into studying that I forgot"

"Well as your boyfriend" said Donghyuck, kissing Renjun's pout "I would do anything for you"

"And maybe next time I could text you around lunch time to remind you?"

"You're the best" sighed Renjun, as Donghyuck walked towards the food stands "I am so lucky"


"Jisung, you're walking in the wrong direction!" exclaimed Chenle, as he giggled at Jisung walked into the mirror "I thought I said to not let go of my hand"

"Well sorry that you are miles ahead than me" scoffed Jisung "you're more of an expert than I am"

"Oh please, I've walked into the mirrors as much as you" laughed Chenle, grabbing Jisung's hand "don't worry Sungie and relax"

Jisung let himself get pulled by Chenle, his body refusing to move as he felt their hands connect once more. His cheeks turning bright red again, actions that on lookers would think they were a couple.

"See Sungie, we've made it out!" exclaimed Chenle, turning to Jisung once they walked out the door "now wasn't that as bad as you thought"

"What do you want to do now?"

Jisung's stomach answered Chenle's question and the other didn't need to speak as Chenle lead Jisung towards the food stands.

"I love carnival food" sighed Chenle "it'll be hard to chose what to eat"

"I don't mind what we're eating" said Jisung "you can chose"

"You are such a gentleman Park" teased Chenle "that's so sweet of you"

"Oh wait, isn't that Donghyuck over there?!"

Jisung's eyes travelled towards Donghyuck who was in line at the hotdog stall. Chenle quickly grabbed Jisung's hand and dragged him towards Donghyuck, the two had excited looks on their faces.

"Hey hyuckie, care to buy your lovely friends a hotdog too?" teased Chenle, wrapping his arm around Donghyuck's shoulders "we're starving"

"Way to show up unannounced" laughed Donghyuck "fine I'll buy you one but only because you're hungry"

"Oh my god thank you" cried Jisung "this line is really long and I don't think we could have waited"

"It's no problem" said Donghyuck "Junnie, is sitting over there. I'll bring it over once its ready"

"You're the best hyuckie" called Chenle, hugging Donghyuck before he and Jisung ran towards Renjun "ugh having friends is so useful sometimes"

"And the other times?" asked Jisung, smiling at Chenle "are we irrelevant then?"

"No way" teased Chenle "I love you all so equally"

"Woah, what's with all the plushies?"

"Hyuckie won them for me" said Renjun, as Jisung and Chenle sat down at the table "how's the fair going so far for you?"

"We went into the funhouse" said Jisung "it felt like we took hours but Chenle says it was less than that"

"I kept bumping into the mirrors all the time"

"That's the fun part of the funhouse" teased Renjun "at least you're not hurt"

"Yeah" chuckled Jisung, grinning at Chenle who grinned back "but I also had a great guide with me also"

"Oh really?" teased Renjun, his eyes looking back and forth between the two "so are you two-?"

"And here are your hotdogs!" interrupted Donghyuck, placing the hotdogs down on the table "and I also got some chips just incase"

"You're the best hyuckie" said Renjun, kissing Donghyuck's cheek "this is the best day ever"

"I wonder how Markno and Jaemin are doing"

"Well I bet Markno is off somewhere kissing" said Donghyuck "and Jaemin is occupied at the claw machines"

"I hope he's not taking it too hard" sighed Chenle "he loves the machines but isn't very good at them"

"Oh and what about Yuta?" 

"He's a grown adult I'm sure he's fine" said Jisung, chuckling as he took a sip of lemonade "what's the worst that can happen?"

"I have a list" chuckled Chenle "lets just hope we don't have a repeat of last time"

"What happened last time?"

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