Part 19

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"So, tell me. What traits do you like of your ideal type?"

The party was in full swing, even Doyoung joined in, although the pizza was gone too soon, they were having a fun time.

"I dunno" said Doyoung "i guess kind, generous, selfless, funny and responsible"

"Hmmm me t-"


"Who's that?" asked Doyoung, turning to the front door "i thought you said it was only going to be you seven"

"I dunno" lied Donghyuck, a sneaky grin on his face as went to open the door "it must be the pizza delivery guy"

"Oh hey Jaehyun hyung!"

Doyoung's face turned bright red at the mention of the others name. "Oh shit"

"I bet he did this on purpose" chuckled Renjun "there is so way it was just a coincidence"

"Come on in hyung!" called Donghyuck "we're having a party!"

"Are you sure i can come in?" asked Jaehyun "this isn't your house"

"Of course you can" said Doyoung, standing up and crossing his arms "its just a silly fight anyway"


"Hey Jaehyun, what are you doing here?" asked Doyoung

"Donghyuck texted me that he needed  pizza" said Jaehyun, holding up the pizza bag "he said it was urgent"

"And it was" said Donghyuck "Jaemin hasn't had lunch"

"Na Jaemin" scolded Doyoung "seriously? you need to take care of yourself better"

"Yes dad" said Jaemin "i won't forget next time"

"Is that sarcasm or-"

"We'll never know" sighed Renjun "but I'll make sure he doesn't forget next time"

"Atleast you can't threaten to call our parents" chuckled Chenle "cause they'd probably not give a shit and then block you"

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Jaemin "like on my birthday when i called my dad, he blocked me"

"I remember that" sighed Chenle "we bought a cake and ate it in our dorm"

"Why do you make sad memories sound happy?" asked Jaehyun "that sounds traumatising"

"That's the only way we'll get through it" said Jaemin "with humour"

"Alright lets stop talking about sad things" interrupted Donghyuck "doyoung hyung and Jaehyun hyung, please come with me"

Donghyuck lead the two olders to Jaemin's room, the two following with confused looks on their faces.

Donghyuck opened the door and sudeenly a cat lept at him.

"What the- Jaemin! Why the fuck do you have a cat in your room?!" yelled Donghyuck, stepping back

"Ooh that's not real" said Jaemin, a nervous look on his face "you're hallucinating"

"Cut the crap Jaemin" said Renjun "its really there"

"Na Jaemin" said Doyoung, standing there with a concerned look "why do you have a cat?"

"Weren't you two going to talk?!" exclaimed Jaemin, pushing the two back into his room and shutting the door "have fun but not too much fun!"

"Minnie?" called Chenle, moving closer to Jaemin who was holding the cat "are you ok?"

"I'm fine" said Jaemin, as he stroked the cat "and so is Nana"

"Jaemin, you do realise you can talk to us about anything right?" said Jeno, patting Jaemin's back "we're always here for you"

"I'm f-fine" sobbed Jaemin, as the others pulled him into a hug "I-im o-ok"

"Its ok minnie" soothed Mark "let it out"

"I-its just I've b-been f-feeling lonely at night" sobbed Jaemin "and thats w-why i got Nana"

"Oh minnie" sighed Renjun "why didn't you say so? We could have come and slept with you"

"I didn't want to impose" cried Jaemin "or interrupt your sleep"

"Hey, its ok Minnie" said Chenle "why don't me and Renjun take turns sleeping in your bed? Is that ok?"

"Are you ok with it?" asked Jaemin, his eyes filling with tears

"Of course" said Renjun "it will be fun"

"I-is Doyoung hyung mad?" stuttered Jaemin "im sorry"

"I'm not mad Minnie" said Doyoung, standing at the doorway of his room "just concerned"

"If you ever feel like this, please let me know."

"I will hyung" chuckled Jaemin "i promise"

"So how can i help?" said Doyoung "Oh and your new housemate can stay so don't worry"

"Oh thank you!" exclaimed Jaemin "but wait, Chenle! You can't sleep unless there is someone else in the room"

"I'll be fine" said Chenle "i have these new drops so-"

"Don't even try" said Renjun "you both have abandonment issues which we are trying to solve"

"Why don't we get a new house member?" asked Jaemin "that way, none of us will be alone"

"That's a great idea!" exclaimed Doyoung "what do you think?"

"Cool" said Chenle "but they'd better not be a slob"

"Well you can help me find one" chuckled Doyoung "We'll make a great team"

"Oh my god yes!" exclaimed Renjun "like the judges on the x factor"

"Sure thing" said Doyoung "well, i sensed that my presence here is bringing the party down, so i will leave"

"What?! No you're not" exclaimed Jeno "you are so fun"

"No its alright" laughed Doyoung "i need to go check on my garden anyway"

"See you guys later!"

"Bye guys" said Jaehyun, as he ran after Doyoung "have fun, stay safe"

"Wow, that's so adorable" sighed Renjun "I want someone to run after me"

"We already do like every day" scoffed Chenle "you walk so fucking fast"

"Shut the fuck up"

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