Part 10

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This chapter contains themes of toxic relationships with parents and bad childhoods- Please proceed with caution.

"So which one of us is most likely to get a partner first?" Chenle, Renjun and and Jaemin were sitting in their living room eating snacks and watching tv.

"Why? are you feeling lonely Jaem?" asked Renjun, passing the packet of double stuffed Oreos to Chenle 

"Yup" said Jaemin "I've never exactly experienced or seen love so I feel like im missing out" 

"Oh my god same" said Chenle "isn't that crazy?"

"Ok you two need to stop making jokes about your childhoods" said Renjun "it isn't healthy"

"Tell that to our dads" said Jaemin, as he and Chenle high-fived "oh and side note did you know that they are really high up in politics?"

"I can tell" sighed Renjun "I feel bad for you guys"

"Nah don't be Junnie" said Chenle "if our dad's didn't send us to the boarding school, we wouldn't have met"

"Aw I love you too Lele" squealed Jaemin, pulling Chenle into a hug "you're like family"

"So back to what I said before, who is most likely to get a partner first?"

"I'd say, how its going with Donghyuck" started Chenle "Renjun will be the first one"

"What do you mean 'how it's going with Donghyuck'?" exclaimed Renjun "what are you seeing?!"

"Its totally obvious he's flirting with you" said Jaemin "even aliens in space can see it"

"He was not flirting" said Renjun "he was just being friendly"

"Uh huh" said Chenle, raising an eyebrow as he ate his snacks "totally"

"Shut up" scoffed Renjun, rolling his eyes " that's not true"

"Too bad we have that rule where love interests can come into our house" sighed Jaemin "it would be so much easier"

"Can we please stop discussing this?" asked Renjun "it feels illegal that Donghyuck is single"

"Exactly" exclaimed Chenle "which is why I am very excited for the future"

"I'm going to my room" sighed Renjun, standing up "you guys are crazy"

"Nooo, fun ruiner!" yelled Jaemin, as Renjun picked up the snacks and walked towards his room "you fucking stole our snacks, come back"

"Sucks to be you" scoffed Renjun, closing his bedroom door "losers"

"That fucking asshole"

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