Part 6

75 4 2

[This chapter contains mentions of throwing up- please proceed with caution]

When they said it would be easy to bring the drunk duo home, they had definitely misjudged it. 

"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world!" Jaemin and Chenle were swinging around a lamppost singing barbie girl while the others were trying to get them off it.

"Get off the lamppost, we need to get you home!!" exclaimed Renjun, tugging on Jaemin's arm "you guys are so dead tomorrow"

"Life in plastic, its fantastic!!"

"They are so banned from drinking" sighed Renjun "if they do this again, i will hit them"

"Come on" said Mark "let's just split up between the two and just keep trying to get them off the lamppost"

"That's better than my plan" laughed Jisung "i was gonna call my dad"

"That is a fucking stupid plan" scoffed Haechan "they'll think they are being arrested"

"Your dad's a police officer?" exclaimed Chenle, suddenly focusing on the conversation "that's so cool, can i use his tazer?"

"Fuck no" said Renjun "and he's not even here"

"What is it like to be tazered?" asked Jaemin, leaning on the lamppost "is it fun?"

"I need new friends" said Renjun "they are literally too much"

"We love you too Renjunnie" called Jaemin and Chenle 

"Ok let's start pulling before they actually get us arrested" said Jeno, taking hold of Jaemin's arm "should we pull aggressively or softly?"

"I don't care as long as you don't break anything" chuckled Renjun "i just want them to let go because i want to sleep"

"Don't worry" said Haechan, as he took Chenle's arm with Renjun "we'll get you home in no time" 

"Why don't we do this like a conga line thing to pull them off?" suggested Jisung "each person holds onto the person in front's shoulders"

"Ok i like that" said Mark "and it'll make me feel less scared that we might dislocate something"

"Let's do this"

"Why are you doing the conga?" asked Jaemin, his arms wrapped tightly onto the lamppost "you look weird"

"Says the people holding onto the lamppost" teased Jeno "why are you holding onto it?"

"Its our friend" said Chenle, rolling his eyes "meet Barry!"

"I'm losing braincells" sighed Renjun "let's just pull quickly please"

"Oh yeah, let's. Sorry" said Haechan, placing his hands on Renjun's shoulders "3...2...1"


"We're here!!" yelled Chenle, as they stood on the garden of the house "ugh i feel awful"

"Thanks for your help guys" sighed Renjun, giving their new friends a tired smile "you can go"

"Nope" said Haechan, picking up Chenle bridal style and carried him towards the door "we'll go once they're in bed"

"No people allowed in our dorm" said Jaemin, as Mark picked him up "Doyoung will kick us out"

"Why is that?" asked Jisung, raising an eyebrow

"The walls are thin so we can hear everything" sighed Renjun "its not idea"

"Well we don't have any rules like that" chuckled Jeno "although i am dating my housemate so maybe it doesn't count"

"We get it, you're taken!" cried Chenle "way to make us feel single!"

"I hope he's asleep" said Renjun "i really don't want to get caught breaking rules"

"Especially when we are bringing in his enemies' tenants" said Jaemin "cause that would be crazy!"

"Ok i'm opening the door" said Renjun, taking a deep breath "here goes nothing"

"Let's run up the stairs quickly" said Jeno "then we'll be out before you know it"

The group walked up the stairs and toward the apartment, and once Renjun opened the door, they sprinted towards the rooms.

"Wow, your house is identical to ours" said Jisung, his eyes wandering around "expect its cleaner"

"We do like to keep things clean" sighed Renjun "its fun to clean"

"But you can't have any people over" said Jeno "so why are you keeping it clean"

"For ourselves duh" said Renjun "and cause we're worried Doyoung might do a surprise visit"

"Now that's scary" agreed Jisung, "jaehyun hyung doesn't do that, he just leaves us to our own devices"

"Guys bad news!" called Mark, from the bedroom "they just threw up"

"Oh for fucks sake" said Renjun, sitting down on the sofa "just leave it, i'll make then clean up their mess tomorrow"

"But won't they have a hungover?" asked Jisung "they would be awful"

"No, its called crime and punishment Park" said Renjun "they should never drink again"

"Nice" said Jeno, "I'd totally do the same"

"No you woul-" Jeno hit Jisung's arm, instantly shutting him up 

"Well they are now asleep" said Mark, as he and Haechan walked back in "thank goodness"

Haechan looked at Jeno and Renjun as they smiled and talked, he felt his heart shatter a little bit. That was until he realised that he was dating Mark and he got rid of those jealous thoughts quickly. (lol)

"We'd better go" chuckled Jeno, walking towards Mark and held his hand "thanks for the lovely night"

"I wouldn't say lovely but thanks" said Renjun "it was nice to formally meet you guys"

"Ditto" said Haechan, winking at Renjun "good night, Renjunie"

"B-bye!" stuttered Renjun, as he watched the others leave the house "what a night!"

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