Part 20

59 3 7

Hello my darling readers, i hope you are well :)

Happy holidays (to those who celebrate it) and a happy new year


"Alright, alright please hold o- Donghyuck?" It was 7 am in the morning, Renjun was sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea as he waited for Jaemin and Chenle to wake up.

"What are you doing here?"

"Couldn't sleep" chuckled Donghyuck "do you want to go for a walk?"

---Time skip---

"Sooo, thanks for the fun party" spoke Donghyuck, as he glanced at Renjun with a smile on his face "it was amazing"

"Hey, it was all of our ideas" chuckled Renjun "don't just thank me"

"Is there something on your mind that you want to talk about?"

"Why'd you say that?" teased Donghyuck "what if i just wanted to see you"

"Just to see me?" Renjun blushed bright red at the other's words "or do you mean me and the others?"

"No, just you" chuckled Donghyuck "you're so cute"

"You're just saying that" stuttered Renjun, fiddling with his fingers "im not cute"

"Yes you are" said Donghyuck "well you are to me"

"Do you really mean that?" asked Renjun "or are you just playing?"

"Why would i play with you?" said Donghyuck "that's bad manners"

"Well friends play with each other so i thou-"

Renjun's eyes widened as Donghyuck kissed him lightly, his cheeks turned redder than a tomato. He shut his eyes and wrapped his arms around Donghyuck's neck.

"I like you Renjun" sighed Donghyuck "and not in a friend way, in a romantic way."

"And you don't have to accept my feelings, i will totally understand. I just wanted to get it off my chest"

"I like you too Hyuckie" chuckled Renjun, as Donghyuck kissed his forehead "a lot"



"Will you go on a date with me today?" asked Donghyuck "I'll make sure to treat you right"

"Of course" chuckled Renjun "lets go"


"Where on earth is he?!" exclaimed Doyoung, as he, Jaemin and Chenle were sat in the living room "the first interview is about to start"

"He wasn't here when we woke up" sighed Jaemin "and we've called him a thousand times"

"Keep calling" said Doyoung "He'll pick up eventually"


"Alright so why should we let you, Kevin live here?"

"Well I'm very sociable" said Kevin "and i love going out at night"

"What if your housemate don't like that sort of thing and go to bed early?"  asked Doyoung

"They'll have to stay up then cause how will i get inside?" chuckled Kevin "i won't take any keys"

"Thank you Kevin" said Doyoung "we'll be in touch"

"Please don't tell me you're going to call him" sighed Chenle "he sounds like a handful"



"Too mean"

"Too strict"

"Too introverted"

"Too messy"

"Too clean"

"Too dangerous"

"At this rate, we will never have a new housemate" sighed Doyoung, leaning his head in his hands "im sorry guys"

"We have one last person" said Jaemin "don't lose hope"

Neighbours | RenhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora