Part 2

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"Wake up!!"

The sound of pan lids crashing together and Jaemin's loud voice filled the apartment, waking it up and the whole street. Renjun was sat in his room watching a show as he waited for the right time to get out of his room.

"Wake up we have to go to uni!!"

"Why the fuck are you being so loud?!" yelled Chenle, walking out of his room with an annoyed look on his face "i swear to god Na Jaemin"

"You don't ever wake up in time to go to school" scoffed Jaemin "so this will do you good"

"Morning" Jaemin turned to Renjun who walked out of his room with messy hair and a cute look on his face 

"Oh my god, did i wake you up Renjunnie?!" exclaimed Jaemin "i'm so sorry"

"Asshole" said Chenle, as he poured his cereal into a bowl

"No, you're ok Minnie" said Renjun, giving Jaemin a smile "i was up before you started"

"Thank goodness" said Jaemin "come and sit down! how did you sleep?"

"I slept good" said Renjun, sitting down beside Jaemin "what about you?"

"I slept very well thank you" exclaimed Jaemin, patting Renjun's shoulder "what about you Chenle?"

"It was good up until the wake up call" scoffed Chenle, rolling his eyes "thanks Jaemin"

"So, how are you feeling Renjun?" asked Jaemin "first day at uni"

"I'm feeling good" said Renjun, as Jaemin and Chenle looked at him as he spoke "i'm excited to start"

"I'm glad to hear that" said Chenle "on my first day, i vomited"

"Oh I remember that" said Jaemin "everyone saw and you refused to come out of your room"

"Uhhh that was so embarrasing" cried Chenle "don't mention it anymore please"

"Don't worry Renjunnie" said Jaemin "you'll be with us and if you need us, just call"

"We don't have each other's numbers" said Chenle, frowning at Jaemin "how can he call us?"

"Ah shit" Jaemin's hand flew to his pocket and pulled his phone out 

"Dramatic much?!" teased Chenle, as Jaemin glared at him 

"Here" Jaemin handed his phone to Renjun "you can add our numbers to your phone"

"Thank you Minnie" Renjun added the numbers, giving his housemates nicknames "Here you go"

"Alright!" exclaimed Jaemin, as Renjun texted him and Chenle "we have five minutes to brush our teeth and get ready before leaving"

"Last one to finish is a rotten egg!" yelled Chenle, running towards the bathroom

"Hey, we've only got one bathroom asshole!"


"Wow, we're finally here!" Renjun glanced around the campus "it looks amazing"

"So, we'll take you to the creative arts building" said Chenle, smiling at Renjun "good thing its close to ours"

"What are you talking about" laughed Jaemin "art, music and photography is all in one buildng"

"Shut up" scoffed Chenle, rolling his eyes "he knows what i mean"

"Thanks guys" chuckled Renjun, his eyes glancing to where loud noises were heard "Who are they?" Renjun pointed to three men who were surrounded by a crowd of men and women

"Well, well, well" said Jaemin, looking at the crowd too "they are the most popular people in the university"

"That's Park Jisung, one of the most amazing dancers in the university" explained Chenle "but he's also super shy around new people and very tall" 

"They are the Lee couple" explained Jaemin, "they've been dating since high school and is the co- captains of the ice hockey team"

"And that guy in the middle" started Chenle, putting his hand on Renjun's shoulder "is Lee Haechan, Donghyuck to his friends. The sunshine of the university who has the voice of an angel and a fantastic personality"

"And a massive flirt" added Jaemin "They live opposite to us"

"They're the ones who threw water balloons at our house?!" exclaimed Renjun, as his housemates nodded "wow"

"Should we go and introduce ourselves?"

"What?!" yelled Chenle "we can't, they literally hate us"

"Then let's make them not hate us" said Renjun "oh come on guys, lets change it"

"I'm sorry junnie but that's not a good idea" said Jaemin "we might get lots of rumours"

"What's the worst that could happen?" Jaemin and Chenle raised an eyebrow as Renjun walked ahead "ok can you guys show me the way cause i have no idea where the building is"

"Right this way"

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